PI2103 气体浓度分析仪
PI5310 气体浓度分析仪
SI2205 气体浓度分析仪
SI2108 气体浓度分析仪
SI2104 气体浓度分析仪
G2509 气体浓度分析仪
G2207-i 同位素与气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G2207-i 气体浓度与同位素分析仪将高精度和低漂移 O2 浓度测量与环境空气中的 δ18O 分析相结合,使其成为用于包括大气中氧监控等具有挑战性应用的理想选择,能够确定碳循环中所涉及的生物地球化学过程。
Caddy™ 连续流接口
L2130-i 同位素与气体浓度分析仪
Picarro L2130-i 同位素分析仪可实现水稳定同位素的高质量测量,适用于古气候学、水文学和海洋学等严苛应用。运用各种 Picarro 外围设备,可以对取自液体、气体和固体的水样品进行 δ18O 和 δD 高精度测量。
G2210-i 同位素分析仪
Picarro G2210-i 同位素分析仪专为满足科学界实施实时甲烷排放源归属的需求而设计。高精度测量大气中甲烷和乙烷的功能与二氧化碳和水汽测量相结合,为用户提供一种用来测量并确定垃圾填埋场、压裂站和废弃油气井等甲烷排放源的独特工具。
G2308 气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G2308 气体浓度分析仪可同步精确测量氧化亚氮(N2O)、灵敏度为十亿分率(ppb)的甲烷(CH4)和灵敏度为百万分率(ppm)的水汽(H2O),针对大气科学、空气质量和量化排放应用所产生的漂移可忽略不计。
G2508 气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G2508 气体浓度分析仪可同步测量氧化亚氮(N2O)、甲烷(CH4)、二氧化碳(CO2)、氨(NH3)和水汽 (H2O),灵敏度为十亿分率(ppb),针对农业与土壤科学、生态学和量化排放应用所产生的漂移可忽略不计。
G5310 气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G5310 气体浓度分析仪可同步精确测量氧化亚氮(N2O)、灵敏度为万亿分率(ppt)的一氧化碳(CO)和灵敏度为百万分率(ppm)的水汽(H2O),针对大气科学、空气质量和量化排放应用所产生的漂移可忽略不计。
G2108 气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G2108 气体浓度分析仪可精确实时测量氯化氢 (HCl) 和水汽 (H2O) ,灵敏度为万亿分率 (ppt),针对大气科学和空气质量应用所产生的漂移可忽略不计。
G2401 气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G2401 气体浓度分析仪可同步精确测量一氧化碳(CO)、二氧化碳(CO2)、灵敏度为十亿分率 (ppb)的甲烷(CH4)和灵敏度为百万分率 (ppm) 的水汽(H2O),针对大气科学、空气质量和量化排放应用所产生的漂移可忽略不计。
G2121-i 同位素与气体浓度分析仪
当与整体燃烧模块(A0201) 等样品制备外围设备相耦合时,Picarro G2121-i 同位素与气体浓度分析仪能够测量高浓度二氧化碳(CO2)(2000 – 4000 ppm)中的 δ13C 以及 CO2 气体浓度。测量 CO2 中的 δ13C,精度优于 0.4 ‰(典型为 0.2 – 0.3 ‰)。
G2203 气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G2203 气体浓度分析仪可同步精确测量甲烷(CH4)和乙炔(C2H2),灵敏度为十亿分率(ppb),通过使用 C2H2 示踪剂来测量可量化的排放率,测量垃圾填埋场或其它甲烷源中的逸散性 CH4 排放时的漂移可忽略不计。
G2311-f EC 通量气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G2311-f 通量气体浓度分析仪可在 10 Hz 下针对涡度相关方法、梯度方法和涡旋累积法,同步精确测量二氧化碳 (CO2)、甲烷 (CH4) 和水汽 (H2O) 。
G2401-m 航空专用气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G2401-m 气体浓度分析仪可同步精确测量一氧化碳 (CO)、二氧化碳 (CO2)、灵敏度为十亿分率 (ppb) 的甲烷 (CH4) 和灵敏度为百万分率 (ppm) 的水汽 (H2O) ,针对大气科学、空气质量和量化排放应用所产生的漂移可忽略不计。
G2301 气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G2301 气体浓度分析仪可同步精确测量二氧化碳(CO2)、灵敏度为十亿分率(ppb)的甲烷(CH4)和灵敏度为百万分率(ppm)的水汽(H2O),针对大气科学、空气质量和量化排放应用所产生的漂移可忽略不计。
G2204 气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G2204 气体浓度分析仪可同步精确测量甲烷(CH4)和硫化氢(H2S),灵敏度为十亿分率(ppb),针对垃圾填埋场、炼油厂、造纸厂或工业厂房的排放测量所产生的漂移可忽略不计。
G2106 气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G2106 气体浓度分析仪可精确实时测量乙烯(C2H4) 和水汽(H2O),灵敏度为十亿分率(ppb),针对农业与土壤科学应用所产生的漂移可忽略不计。
PI2114 气体浓度分析仪
G2205 气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G2205 气体浓度分析仪可精确实时测量氟化氢(HF)和水汽(H2O),灵敏度为万亿分率(ppt),针对大气科学和空气质量应用所产生的漂移可忽略不计。
G2103 气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G2103 气体浓度分析仪可精确实时测量氨 (NH3) 和水汽 (H2O) 。这款分析仪在关键的气体通路中安装了涂层部件,减弱了 NH3 分子粘附到气体通路表面上的倾向,继而改善测量响应时间。
G5131-i 同位素与气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G5131-i 同位素与气体浓度分析仪可同步测量 N2O 中的位点特异性及批量 δ15N 和 δ18O。它是一项理想的解决方案,适用于在现场实时地或在实验室中通过收集样品来识别和测量 N2O 排放源。
G2131-i 同位素与气体浓度分析仪
Picarro G2131-i 同位素与气体浓度分析仪能够在各种应用下进行灵活的测量,从大气和海洋科学研究到食品与饮料的来源与真实性无不涵盖其中。这款分析仪能够测量二氧化碳中的 δ13C,精度小于 0.1 ‰。这款分析仪能够以十亿分之二百(200 ppb)和十亿分之五十 (50 ppb) 的精度同步分别测量二氧化碳(CO2)和甲烷(CH4)的气体浓度。以百万分率(ppm)的精度来测量水汽(H2O),从而以干气摩尔分数来校正和报告 CO2 和 CH4。
In the second part of the blog post of his Chilean research diary, Prof. Joe Galewsky will focus on the details and significance of his research in Chile, an account that is captivating by all means.
哥斯达黎加国立大学的 Ricardo Sánchez-Murillo 预测,即使是在中美洲等全球最潮湿的地区也会面临水资源挑战。利用他在爱达荷大学莫斯科校区研习期间获得的经验,他打算通过研究哥斯达黎加鲜为人知的供水系统来寻找解决方案。.
Few scientific meetings match the level of organization and attendee engagement as does this Global Monitoring Annual Conference (GMAC). This past May, GMD celebrated its 40th year of these meetings in Boulder, CO. One thing many people may not know about this year’s meeting is that it was funded entirely by private donations, which were primarily from individuals. In the following article, Picarro’s greenhouse gas product manager, Gloria Jacobson, checks in with GMD director, Jim Butler, after the event.
GRAZ, AUSTRIA — We used the Picarro isotopic water analyzer in a project financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology. High in the Austrian Alps our team (from the Joanneum Research Institute of Water Resources Management) installed a Picarro stable isotope analyzer at one of the largest karst springs in the country.
When I joined Picarro at the start of September in 2009, Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy technology for isotope analysis had only just been created. In short order CRDS was validated by researchers whose laboratories specialized in using isotope ratio mass spectrometers (IRMS), devices which were previously considered the state of the art.
In a week when heat waves are sweeping the country, a post about green roofs seems appropriate. Environmentalists have long espoused putting plants on top of buildings as a way to improve air quality in cities and reduce the urban island heat effect. Sounds nice, but what are the real impacts of green roofs? Will they reduce runoff water into storm drains? Will they clean the runoff water? Will they cool the city? And will green roofs absorb or emit methane and other greenhouse gases.
As I write this, I’m sitting on a ski-equipped LC-130 Hercules cargo plane from the New York Air National Guard’s 109th Airlift Wing, flying over Greenland, having just taken off from the NEEM camp at 77°N latitude where the sun is up 24 hours a day.
I've got two simple yet evocative phrases for you. Wing pods. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Excited? We are. During late June, a team of top scientists from the NASA Ames Research Center deployed three Picarro analyzers as part of the The Railroad Valley Vicarious Calibration Campaign, a collaboration between the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena, Calif. One of the analyzers was deployed in a wing pod of an Alpha jet which flew up to altitudes of 25,000 feet. Another was deployed in the nose cone of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Climate scientists can be divided into two large interactive groups: Experimentalists, who go out into the world and collect climate data (e.g., levels of carbon dioxide, methane concentration, seasonal temperature, snowfall rates, etc.); and Modelers, those who build computer simulations based on that data (called “climate models” by those in the know) to estimate how climate variables affect one another (e.g., does increasing CO2 increase temperature enough to melt polar ice caps that will raise sea levels so high that Miami will be the next Atlantis?).
The greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) is a product of human activities that use carbon-based fuels, such as home heating, cars, and manufacturing plants, to name a few. But CO2 also has many natural sources, such as soil, volcanoes and all living things that breathe. So a necessary question that should be asked by climate and citizen scientists alike is, “How do you know increases in CO2 are from human activity?”
One of the most interesting things we product managers get to do at Picarro is spend time in the field with customers learning how they use our analyzers. This way, we get to experience firsthand the challenges of doing science outdoors in remote locations - challenges like dealing with unpleasant wildlife (for example). Studying fluxes of greenhouse gases in the environment is definitely one of the areas where the full outdoor research experience is mandatory.
We blogged previously about carbon sequestration and its a topic we watch closely. You may have read that earlier this week Saskatchewan approved plans for a commercial-scale carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) project.
This is a picture from one of our customers / collaborators, John Stix and fellow intrepid researchers from the Earth and Planetary Sciences Deparment at McGill University in Canada. We believe this is the first time anyone has driven a live, running anallyzer up and down a smoking volcano to capture gas concentration samples.
A fascinating question scientists have long entertained is why do most bats primarily choose to fly at night? And why have they evolved so heavily towards nocturnal activity? The strongest hypothesis about this related to predator avoidance. But no one knew exactly why.
加州圣克拉拉--2022年4月13日-- 气体分析领导者Picarro 公司宣布推出G2509气体分析仪,该分析仪可以使企业准确量化其氨和温室气体(GHG)的排放。化肥厂、牲畜养殖场、粪肥处理设施,以及农业领域的许多其他设施,都是氨和温室气体的重要排放源。量化和报告他们的直接排放是改善空气质量和农业实践脱碳的关键第一步,可以减少农业对环境的影响。通过部署G2509分析仪,农民能够提供准确的空气质量和气候信息,并制定缓解措施,这都是农业经济部门健全的环境、社会和治理(ESG)做法的关键因素。
加利福尼亚州,圣克拉拉市 — 2020年3月19日 — Picarro公司发布了以下信函,以应对新冠病毒COVID-19流行病带来的挑战:
Gas Autosampler Flyer (Chinese)
The Picarro A0344 Gas Autosampler meets the growing demand for automated solutions to measure greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations and stable isotope precision with minimal maintenance for GHG and isotope analysis applications, streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency for researchers. Compatible with a wide range of Picarro analyzers, it ensures seamless operation and reliable results.
The Importance of In-situ Ammonia Measurements in Agriculture (Part 3)
Picarro recently spoke with Anders Feilberg, a Professor at Aarhus University in Denmark about ammonia emission abatement technology protocols for livestock production. Learn why the Picarro CRDS technology’s speed and precision are so effective for this and other Climate-Smart Agriculture applications.
In this 3-part interview, he explains:
The Importance of In-situ Ammonia Measurements in Agriculture (Part 2)
Picarro recently spoke with Anders Feilberg, a Professor at Aarhus University in Denmark about ammonia emission abatement technology protocols for livestock production. Learn why the Picarro CRDS technology’s speed and precision are so effective for this and other Climate-Smart Agriculture applications.
In this 3-part interview, he explains:
The Importance of In-situ Ammonia Measurements in Agriculture (Part 1)
Picarro recently spoke with Anders Feilberg, a Professor at Aarhus University in Denmark about ammonia emission abatement technology protocols for livestock production. Learn why the Picarro CRDS technology’s speed and precision are so effective for this and other Climate-Smart Agriculture applications.
In this 3-part interview, he explains:
“现在人们认为环氧乙烷的危害性比以前意识到的更大,并且正在制定行业措施以更好地表征工人和社区面临的风险。室外逸散性排放必须准确量化,不仅在排放源,例如排气烟囱,而且在设施围栏和环境空气中。在室内,尝试表征中央处理设施、曝气和储藏室、通风系统、走廊和办公室等场所的空气质量时,这项任务同样具有挑战性。请观看本次网络研讨会,了解准确、可靠的 EtO 测量如何降低工业和医疗设施的“日常”运营风险,并减少工人和社区接触 EtO 的风险。”
本次网络研讨会展示了太平洋煤气电力公司(PG&E) 的超级排放源计划以及 PG&E 如何将 Picarro 的排放量化技术投入使用。该计划帮助 PG&E 根据加利福尼亚州的减排法规减少甲烷排放。 Picarro 的解决方案将数据分析与基于车辆的甲烷排放数据收集平台相结合,每年在 PG&E 的燃气配送区域使用,从而快速识别泄漏流量特别高的“超级排放源”。除了 PG&E 正在进行的减排工作外,修复极少数量的超级排放源也达到了大幅减排的效果。
Picarro 致力于通过其先进的气体浓度和同位素分析仪支持科研。在本次网络研讨会中,我们将展示我们分析仪的最新改进,并分享我们的客户如何在研究工作中使用它们。加入我们,了解更多关于 (i) 我们在提高样品通量的同时保持基于激光的水同位素分析最高精度方面的重大飞跃,(ii) 我们在使用 CRDS 测量气溶胶的稳定碳同位素比值方面的进展,以及 (iii) 我们对最近出版的一本关于土壤科学中温室气体测量技术的趣味公开书籍的贡献。
Picarro 致力于通过其先进的气体浓度和同位素分析仪支持科研。在本次网络研讨会中,我们将介绍:
- 全新的水同位素分析仪快速模式和极速模式—高速通量的解决方案
- 全新的碳同位素分析仪 OC/EC 解决方案—追踪空气污染
在本次网络研讨会中,Christine O'Connell 博士(Silver Lab,Berkeley)将讨论 G2508 和 Eosense eosAC 呼吸室系统在波多黎各山地雨林中研究氧化还原和干旱环境的应用。Nick Nickerson 博士(Eosense)将继续讨论使用 Picarro GasScouter 气体浓度分析仪在离网型湿地部署中使用 eosAC 腔室系统,以及在沿海荒地/湿地生态系统中演示一个便携调查式应用案例。Gregor Lucic 博士(Picarro)将通过概述 CRDS 技术的模块化方法讨论如何获得新的和令人振奋的数据集。