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  • Replacing the Vaporizer Septum on Picarro Isotopic Water Systems


    This is a brief tutorial on how to replace the vaporizer septum on your Picarro analyzer.

    View septa on our web store:

  • Picarro Analyzer Drop and Shake Tests


    Video showing Picarro analyzers going through severe shock and vibration tests before shipment.

  • EtO NESHAP Webinar View On Demand Image with Panelist Photos

    Achieving Facility-Wide Compliance with the New Ethylene Oxide NESHAP Rules



    With the publication of the US EPA’s amendments to the Ethylene Oxide (EtO, EO) NESHAP rules impacting commercial sterilizers and chemical companies, many are wondering how to maintain operational continuity in light of new monitoring requirements. Timeline of compliance, adoption of new monitoring systems, facility upgrades, impacts to throughput and other concerns now occupy the minds of owners and operators.

  • Sky High Insights: Elevate Your Business with Cloud Data Management


    Attendees of this webcast delved into the captivating realm of cloud migration and its profound impact on various data sources, including edge devices, databases, and systems. Attendees of this webcast learned about the value of migration to the cloud on various data sources including edge devices, devices, databases, and systems and how to derive business value from data.

    Subject matter experts discussed:

  • Picarro-Eosense-Emory University Joint Webinar 2022

    Quantifying GHGs and Ammonia Fluxes in an Experimental Farm with Automated and Manual Measurements

    Although agriculture contributes substantially to air pollution and climate change, there is rather little discussion on how to mitigate the three major greenhouse gases and ammonia simultaneously from agricultural soils. In this webinar, Dr. Eri Saikawa, Emory University, will present findings from a project that aims to tackle this question in a corn field, while keeping the yield intact.
  • Latest Application Developments from Picarro: Fast Throughput and Aerosols



    Picarro is committed to supporting science with its advanced gas concentration and isotopic analyzers. In this webinar, we will present:
    - New Express and Survey Modes for isotopic Water Analyzers – highest throughput solution
    - New OC/EC solution for isotopic Carbon Analyzers – tracing Air Pollution

  • EGU21 Webinar: Water, Soil, Air – Measurement Improvements and New Applications

    Committed to Science: Water, Soil, Air – Measurement Improvements and New Applications


    Picarro is committed to supporting science with its advanced gas concentration and isotopic analyzers. In this webinar, we will present the latest improvements to our analyzers and share how our customers are using them in their research.

  • Learn about Ethylene Oxide emissions to protect your community and reduce your workplace risk


    "Ethylene Oxide is now believed to be more harmful than previously realized and industry initiatives are underway to better characterize the risk to workers and communities. Outdoor fugitive emissions must be accurately quantified, not only at the source, such as exhaust stacks, but also at the facility fenceline and in ambient air. Indoors, the task is equally challenging when trying to characterize the air quality in places like central processing facilities, aeration and storage rooms, ventilation systems, hallways and offices. View

  • Greenhouse Gas Measurement in Harsh Environments


    In this webinar, Dr Christine O’Connell (Silver Lab, Berkeley) will discuss the application of the G2508 and Eosense eosAC chamber system to studying redox and drought conditions in a montane rainforest in Puerto Rico. Dr. Nick Nickerson (Eosense) will continue the discussion with demonstration of the use of the Picarro GasScouter in an off-grid wetland deployment with the eosAC chamber system, as well as demonstration of a portable survey-style application in a coastal barren/wetland ecosystem. Dr. Gregor Lucic (Picarro) will finish up the discussion by providing an overview of how a

  • Hot Gases, Cool Techniques: Measuring Carbon Isotopes at Volcanoes

    Volcanoes are amazing features and a major contributor of CO2 to the atmosphere. One challenge has been to measure the carbon isotopic signature of a volcanic plume, which tells a lot about the deep processes and can potentially help forecast eruptions. This one-hour webinar will feature John Stix (Professor, McGill University) and Fiona D’Arcy (PhD student, McGill University) joined by Gregor Lucic (Application Scientist, Picarro) as they unravel the possibilities when deploying Picarro instruments in the field.
  • Advanced in-flight measurements to quantify methane emission

    Methane is the second most prevalent greenhouse gas emitted from human activities. Atmospheric methane concentrations have tripled since pre-industrial times, and this increase has contributed about 20% of the global radiative forcing due to long-lived greenhouse gases. Quantifying sources of methane is therefore necessary to inform future climate change mitigation policy.
  • Identifying Urban and Industrial GHG Sources using Continuous δ13C Observations

    In this webinar replay Felix Vogel (Researcher, LSCE) and David Kim-Hak (Product Manager, Picarro) will introduce you to identifying urban and industrial greenhouse gas sources using the Picarro G2201-i for best-in-class greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration and isotopic measurements.
  • Leave No Flux Undetected. Improved Detection and Quality Assurance of Greenhouse Gas Exchange Rates Measured with Picarro G2508

    In this webinar replay, learn about how Picarro's Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) technology can be used to measure soil gas flux in-situ. Dr. Nabil Saad (Picarro, Inc.) is joined by Dr. Jesper Christiansen (U. of Copenhagen) and Dr. Nick Nickerson (Eosense). Jesper and Nick have hands-on experience with Picarro's G2508 Soil Flux System and they share their experience and results in achieving lower detection limits in gas flux measurements during the webinar.
  • Picarro Carbon Isotope Analysis System for Accurate and Precise Total Carbon and δ13C Measurements on Liquid and Solid Samples

    Listen to Adam Subhas (California Institute of Technology), Nick Rollins (University of Southern California) and Nabil Saad (Picarro, Inc.) discuss making accurate and precise total carbon and δ13C measurements on discrete samples using a Picarro Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer and the Liaison Introduction System. Adam and Nick will demonstrate how Picarro carbon isotope analyzers can be coupled to an Automate FX for seawater DIC measurements and solid carbonates, and to an Elemental Analyzer for organic carbon measurements and TOC. Adam will also share recent results from calcite dissolution
  • Urban Carbon Emissions - A Case Study from the LA Megacities Project


    This webinar, featuring Riley Duren from NASA/JPL and Caltech, and Graham Leggett, Picarro, Inc., will focus on urban carbon emissions monitoring. Riley will share his experiences from deploying the LA Megacities Project and the goals of their research. Graham will present information about how Picarro technology has facilitated the development of such networks, including providing information on the Picarro G2301 and G2401 for best-in-class greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration measurements. If you are interested in learning about urban networks for

  • Continuous Measurements of Water Isotopes and DIC by Membrane-extraction CRDS


    This webinar, featuring Dr. Niels Munksgaard of James Cook University and Charles Darwin University, and Dr. Kate Dennis, Picarro will review how membrane-extraction technology has been coupled to CRDS for ocean science applications. In particular, we will discuss the new Picarro Continuous Water Sampler for real-time analysis of of δ18O and δ2H in liquid water.

  • Improving the Stability of Carbon Isotope Measurements in Carbon Dioxide and Methane for Atmospheric Applications


    Please register to view a playback recording of this webinar featuring Picarro Research Fellow, Chris Rella, PhD and Application Specialist, Caleb Arata. They discuss how carbon isotopes measurements are made via Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) and how careful calibration can improve the stability of measurements for demanding atmospheric applications. If you want to learn more about how to optimize your calibration protocol and field set up for measuring δ13C in ambient atmospheric CO2 and CH4, this is the webinar for you!

  • Using Nitrogen Isotopes to Partition N2O Emissions in Agriculture


    Please register to view a playback recording of this webinar, featuring Professor Richard Farrell (University of Saskatchewan) and Dr. Nabil Saad (Picarro). They discuss the application and underlying technology that enabled Prof. Farrell to partition residue-derived and residue-induced emissions of N2O from agricultural lands using 15N-labelled crop residues. If you are interested in learning more about how nitrogen isotopes can be applied to soil and agriculture studies, or are interested in Picarro's mid infrared Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy platform, this is the webinar

  • Innovations in Soil Flux Measurements Webinar


    Listen to Picarro’s Applications Specialist Derek Fleck share his latest in soil flux application collaboration with UC Berkeley, as well as Nick Nickerson from Forerunner Research sharing the latest advancements in soil chamber technology.

  • What Can 17O-excess Do for You?


    Please register to view our recorded webinar on the theory of 17O-excess measurements in water. Professor Eric Steig from the University of Washington who will discuss his research from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide core.

    The live webinar will also feature Kate Dennis, Ph.D., from Picarro discussing the latest advancements in Picarro water isotope instrumentation.

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    Carus and Picarro: Proving Remarkable Catalyst EtO Removal with Cutting-Edge Measurement Technology


    This white paper describes destruction efficiency testing run by Carus and Picarro, Inc. on Carus’s CARULITE® 500 catalyst media using Picarro’s Ethylene Oxide (EtO) Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer (CRDS) technology. Picarro’s technology provides industry-leading sensitive, accurate, and virtually drift free measurements at levels reaching below a part per billion, making it an excellent choice for studies where high levels of destruction efficiency need to be characterized and confirmed.

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    Commercial Sterilizer CEMS Compliance: Understanding PS-19 and Beyond


    This paper outlines the regulatory framework behind the upcoming changes in the Commercial Sterilizer NESHAP (40 CFR 63 Subpart O). We will discuss how the US EPA decided on the continuous emissions monitoring requirements – including what those requirements are. Many in the sterilization industry have concerns about how to meet these requirements as previous technologies have struggled to demonstrate the response necessary to demonstrate compliance.

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    LESNI Catalytic Abatement Plants are Ready for the New Ethylene Oxide Regulations, and Picarro Monitoring Systems Prove It


    This white paper outlines testing performed using Picarro’s continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) on a LESNI EO Catalytic Abatement Plant (CAP). This testing was performed at a medical device manufacturer and sterilizer facility in the United States during an active sterilization process. Ethylene oxide (EtO, EO) concentrations were measured in real time upstream of the Catalytic Oxidizer (CatOx), and downstream, at the stack, to assess the destruction efficiency of the CatOx itself.

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    Emissions Measurement (Spanish) 


     Las emisiones de metano están en el centro de la crisis climática actual debido a la enorme contribución del metano al calentamiento global. El metano es uno de los gases de efecto invernadero más potentes y tiene un impacto negativo de aproximadamente 86 veces mayor en el cambio climático que el dióxido de carbono en los primeros 20 años en la atmósfera. Este representa hasta el 25% del calentamiento histórico que se puede atribuir a las actividades humanas y se considera el gas de efecto invernadero con mayor responsabilidad de impulsar el calentamiento a corto plazo.

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    Emissions Measurement


    Methane emissions are at the center of the current climate crisis due to methane’s outsized contribution to global warming. Methane is one of the most potent greenhouse gases, being approximately 86 times more negatively impactful on climate change than carbon dioxide within the first 20 years in the atmosphere. It represents as much as 25% of the historic warming that can be attributed to human activities and is considered the greenhouse gas most responsible for driving warming in the near-term.

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    Emissions Measurement (German)


    Methanemissionen stehen im Mittelpunkt der aktuellen Klimakrise, da Methan einen übergroßen Beitrag zur globalen Erwärmung leistet. Methan ist eines der stärksten Treibhausgase und hat in den ersten 20 Jahren in der Atmosphäre etwa 86-mal stärkere negative Auswirkungen auf den Klimawandel als Kohlendioxid. Es ist für bis zu 25 % der historischen Erwärmung verantwortlich, die auf menschliche Aktivitäten zurückzuführen ist, und gilt als das Treibhausgas, das kurzfristig am stärksten für die Erwärmung verantwortlich ist.

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    Emissions Measurement (Portuguese)


    As emissões de metano estão no centro da atual crise climática devido à enorme contribuição do metano para o aquecimento global. O metano é um dos gases de efeito estufa mais potentes, tendo aproximadamente 86 vezes mais impacto negativo nas mudanças climáticas do que o dióxido de carbono nos primeiros 20 anos na atmosfera. Representa até 25% do aquecimento histórico que pode ser atribuído às atividades humanas e é considerado o gás de efeito estufa mais responsável pelo aquecimento no curto prazo.

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    Water Correction for iCO2 Measurements Whitepaper


    The Picarro G1101-i and G2101-i gas analyzers provide field measurements of the stable isotope ratio d13CO2 with a precision of 0.3 permil in five minutes. In an isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) laboratory, it is customary to dry the samples to very low dew points (< - 45C) prior to isotope analysis. For field work, however, drying the samples is in many cases inconvenient or impractical. Water vapor can affect the reported delta via spectroscopic broadening or direct spectroscopic interference.

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    Transient Response for Isotopic CO2 Whitepaper


    Stable isotope analysis relies on the simultaneous or near-simultaneous measurement of two individual species. In the case of the Picarro G1101-i and G2101-i gas analyzers, these two species are 12C16O2 and 13C16O2, which we denote 12C and 13C for simplicity.

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    Emissions Quantification & Reduction  


    Picarro’s solution enables emissions data to be taken rapidly at scale. Emissions reductions are easily quantified for individual pipe replacement projects, individual leak repairs as well as across a network. Large emitters, which frequently contribute disproportionately to emissions reduction goals, can be easily identified so they are remediated first as part of an informed and cost-effective emission reduction strategy.

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    Pipe Replacement Prioritization 


    Utilities worldwide are using Picarro’s Asset Management Solution to further improve the choices they make regarding capital pipe replacement projects informed by traditional risk models. The Picarro solution combines data analytics with a vehicle-based methane emissions data collection platform to assist with capital replacement decisions. This leads to significant O&M cost savings through avoided leak repair by prioritizing replacements of pipelines with high leak densities. When this data is combined with traditional risk (DIMP) models, such benefits are maximized.

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    Risk Ranking Analytics 


    Picarro’s leak management solution leverages the power of data analytics to prioritize leak indications by potential risk.

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    Risk Based Compliance Implementations


    No matter the regulatory environment, Picarro’s natural gas asset management solution enables natural gas distribution compliance that can be truly risk-based in its approach. A recent trend within the natural gas industry has been to increasingly take a risk-based approach to asset management, in this case, shifting schedules from periodic to being more driven by the particular risk profile of the infrastructure in a given localized area.

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    Risk Based Compliance


    Picarro’s mobile leak detection solution – combining data analytics with an advanced vehicle-based methane emissions data collection platform – now allows natural gas leak plume data to be collected and interpreted at a speed and scale not previously possible. Further, advances in Big Data Analytics allow better-informed conclusions to be drawn from that data and enable improved decision making and outcomes.

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    VHP of just 30 ppb can oxidize and ruin pharmaceuticals


    Vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) treatment is the dominant approach for decontamination in cleanrooms, restricted access barrier systems, and isolators, commonly a part of manufacturing operations for high-potency active pharmaceutical ingredients (HPAPI), large molecule drugs, and aseptic processing for dosage form fill and finish. Irrespective of the environment, decontamination is followed by an aeration cycle designed to ensure drug efficacy, safety, and stability, typically at levels well below 0.1 parts per million (ppm).

  • Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Made Simple


    The Picarro G1301 has been designed specifically to focus on the needs of the atmospheric monitoring community and to serve as the backbone for greenhouse gas monitoring networks.