Picarro Technology
Picarro Technology
Applications requiring trace gas analysis include environmental monitoring, emissions monitoring, greener automotive engine development, semiconductor fabs, cleanroom technology, and bio-pharmaceutical process monitoring. All these applications can benefit from a turnkey analyzer that provides real-time speed, high precision, and sensitivity to parts per billion and beyond. From a practical standpoint, the ideal trace gas analyzer requires minimal or no sample preparation or dilution, and is contained in a rugged, compact platform with low operating costs. Specifically, this means no need for a trained technician and, optimally, the capability for remote, unmanned operation.
CRDS is the first trace-gas analysis instrumentation to meet all these needs, and it can even provide isotope ratios for environmental and biomedical applications. Just as important, the same Picarro CRDS analyzers can be used as unmanned remote monitors, industrial process sensors, and reference laboratory instruments, greatly simplifying the transfer of standards and protocols. The extraordinary low drift of these instruments means they can operate for months without recalibration in most applications.
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