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Terms of Service for Picarro Community

Your use of the Picarro Community site is subject to these terms and conditions. You should read it, understand it, and consider printing a reference copy as you use the Picarro Community site (the “Site”).

At any time Picarro may change, add, or remove any part of these terms and conditions or any part of the services and features provided at the Site. Picarro will update these terms to reflect such changes. Your use and continued use of the Site will always indicate your acceptance of these terms and any changes to them.

A. General

  1. Views expressed on the Site are not necessarily endorsed by Picarro.
  2. Picarro does not prescreen information submitted by users of the Site ("Submissions"). Picarro retains the right, but not the responsibility, to edit or remove any Submission, including those deemed by Picarro to violate these terms. Picarro will make good faith efforts to investigate allegations that Submissions violate these terms or applicable laws but (a) makes no warranty to you that it will edit, remove, or continue to permit the display of any specific Submission, whether or not subject to such allegations, and (b) will have no liability whatsoever for editing, removing, or continuing to permit the display of any Submission whatsoever. Picarro reserves the right to delete any Submission, or take action against any account, at any time, for any reason.
  3. Picarro may respond to questions but does not formally provide technical support on the Site. Any information that is provided by Picarro or Picarro employees is offered on an "AS IS" basis without warranties of any kind.
  4. You may not present yourself as a spokesperson for Picarro.


B. Submissions

  1. You should post constructive comments and questions. Unless otherwise noted, your Submission should either be a technical support question or a technical support answer. Constructive feedback about product features is welcome as well. If your Submission contains the phrase "I'm sorry for the rant, but…" you are likely in violation of this policy.
  2. By sending a Submission to the Site you agree to grant Picarro a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive worldwide right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, make available to the public, and exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to the Submission. If you do not want to grant to Picarro the rights set out above, do not send your Submission to the Site.
  3. Picarro Support Community is here to help people use Picarro products and technologies more effectively. Unless otherwise noted, do not add Submissions about nontechnical topics, including:
    1. Speculations or rumors about unannounced products.
    2. Discussions of Picarro policies or procedures or speculation on Picarro decisions.

  4. You may not submit any statements, materials or links that are inflammatory, inappropriate, libelous, defamatory, indecent, harmful, harassing, intimidating, threatening, hateful, objectionable, discriminatory, abusive, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, or offensive in a sexual, racial, cultural, or ethnic context.
  5. Do not post polls or petitions or links to same.
  6. Do not use the Site to sell or market your products to others and do not post a URL unless it directly answers a user's question. If any portion of your Submission, including any posted URL, results in any accrual of compensation or benefit to you, you must note this in your post by stating, "I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link." The following information is not allowed in a Submission:
    1. A submission created solely to advertise a book, service, software or some other item for sale.
    2. Any reference, including a link, to a commercial item that is not directly related to a relevant technical support question or answer. For example: "This post created by Super Post Creator."

    You may sign your Submissions with information about yourself. However, this should not include a link to a website.
  7. Inappropriate or offensive user names or aliases will be removed and persons attempting to impersonate another user will be removed. User names may not contain website, email addresses or other contact information.
  8. Material submitted must be your own work or work to which you have a license. You warrant and represent that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to the information contained in your Submission.
  9. Do not reveal any personal information.
  10. If you fail to abide by these terms Picarro may remove your Submission. Repeated inappropriate Submissions may result in your account being placed into temporary or permanent suspension of your ability to participate in any or all of the areas on the Site.