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The Integrated Carbon Observation System ATC Metrology Laboratory has issued a Certificate of Compliance for Picarro’s PI5310, a new mid-IR analyzer that delivers the industry’s most precise measurements of nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon monoxide (CO) with the lowest drift. To be certified for use in the ICOS atmospheric monitoring network, ICOS scientists tested the PI5310’s measurements over time periods varying between minutes to 72 hours. In each case, the PI5310 delivered results that exceeded the specification by orders of magnitude.

For example, in the 72-hour test:

  • Specification required: <1 ppb of CO and <0.1 ppb of N2O
  • PI5310 delivered: 0.02 ppb of CO and 0.01 ppb of N2O


What this means for atmospheric researchers is that they can confidently incorporate the PI5310 into their remote monitoring stations knowing they will deliver precise CO and N2O measurements reliably.

The PI5310’s capabilities are critical not only for ICOS researchers, but other scientists such as those working on the World Meteorological Organization’s proposed Global Greenhouse Gas Watch, which requires participating model systems to deliver data on N2O abundances and net fluxes.  

Download Certificate of Compliance below.