The Picarro Small Sample Introduction Module 2 (A0314), or SSIM2, transforms all Picarro continuously-sampling analyzers into instruments capable of measuring small, discrete gas samples. The SSIM2 is an excellent solution for soil, headspace, plant, and other studies that provide gas samples in limited volumes.
- Analyze discrete gas samples as small as 20 mL
- Introduce samples via syringe or gas-bag
- Single sample or semi-automatic processing of up to 8 samples using the Picarro 16-Port Manifold
- Built-in dilution system enables optimal concentration targeting for isotopic analysis
- Semi-automatically measure isotopic reference gases between samples
Connecting to the SSIM2 is straightforward. The sample input is a standard 1/8” Swagelok® fitting, so users can easily introduce samples from bags or flasks or attach a septum holder for syringe injection. When used for isotopic measurements, the SSIM2 may be paired with the Picarro 16-Port Distribution Manifold to enable semi-automatic analysis of up to eight sample containers.