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Natural Gas Knowledge Center

Discover more about the key benefits and applications for natural gas 

Cadent Gas Testimonial // John Batterson

John Batterson, Digital Transformation Manager at Cadent discusses Picarro at our recent Picarro Community Conference in Turin, Italy.

Panel 4: Emissions Quantification and Reduction // PGC Fall 2022

There is a significant opportunity around emissions management and reduction programs.

Panel 5: Pipeline Replacement Investment Optimization // PGC Fall 2022

In this session, we will discuss the potential use of methane data collected by a mobile ALD system to inform and refine pipe replacement prioritization decisions. Conventional Distribution Integrity Risk (DIMP) models are only as good as the historical data that informs them. Plus, risk calculations often give disproportionate weight to just a handful of key threats and sub-threats, regardless of the pipe’s conditions, actual leak density and associated emissions.

Product Update Julien Klein, Senior Director Product and Marketing // PGC Fall 2022

Picarro’s P-Cubed™ award-winning software and analytics platform is the enabling technology behind our solutions for natural gas distributors. In this session, Julien Klein highlights P-Cubed’s new capabilities including the latest improvements in Priority Ranking and Emissions Quantification analytics, our new measurement-based emissions reporting capabilities, and our ESRI-powered interactive web maps. 

Presenter: Julien Klein, Senior Director Product Management, Gas, Picarro

2022 Fall EMEA Picarro Community Conference Presentations
2022 Fall EMEA Picarro Community Conference Presentations

Enjoy the content from the 2022 European Picarro Community Conference, held in Turin, Italy, in an easy-to-digest PDF format.

Panel 1: Emission Measurements, Expert Talks // PGC Fall 2022

Measuring and quantifying methane emissions from the natural gas value chain has gained significant attention across all stakeholders, such as regulators, policymakers, scientists, consumers, and the shareholders of gas utilities. Many industry leaders have committed to ESG goals including methane emissions reduction targets, acknowledging the importance and urgency of reducing the carbon footprint from the energy sector.

Picarro Emissions Management White Paper
Picarro Emissions Management White Paper

This high-level white paper discusses natural gas network emissions management and how Picarro analytics solutions are uniquely positioned to address this important aspect of a DSO / LDC operations.

What's a Super Emitter? (Spanish)

Five percent of leaks account for fifty percent of your emissions. Find them using advanced leak detection and analytics. Learn how you can identify and eliminate super emitters at unprecedented speed and scale with Picarro.

What’s a Super Emitter? (Polish)

5% wycieków odpowiada za 50% Twoich emisji. Znajdź je, korzystając z zaawansowanego wykrywania i analizy nieszczelności. Dowiedz się, jak Picarro może pomóc Ci zidentyfikować i wyeliminować superemitery z niespotykaną dotąd szybkością i skalą.5% wycieków odpowiada za 50% Twoich emisji. Znajdź je, korzystając z zaawansowanego wykrywania i analizy nieszczelności. Dowiedz się, jak Picarro może pomóc Ci zidentyfikować i wyeliminować superemitery z niespotykaną dotąd szybkością i skalą.

What’s a Super Emitter? (German)

5 % der Lecks machen 50 % Ihrer Emissionen aus. Finden Sie sie mithilfe der fortschrittlichen Lecksuche und -analyse. Erfahren Sie, wie Picarro Ihnen dabei helfen kann, Superemitter in beispielloser Geschwindigkeit und Größenordnung zu identifizieren und zu eliminieren.

What’s a Super Emitter? (Portuguese)

5% dos vazamentos representam 50% das suas emissões. Encontre-os usando detecção e análise avançadas de vazamentos. Saiba como a Picarro pode ajudá-lo a identificar e eliminar superemissores em velocidade e escala sem precedentes.

What's a Super Emitter

Five percent of leaks account for fifty percent of your emissions. Find them using advanced leak detection and analytics. Learn how you can identify and eliminate super emitters at unprecedented speed and scale with Picarro.