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Natural Gas Knowledge Center

Discover more about the key benefits and applications for natural gas 

Keynote: Alexandre Balkanski, CEO Picarro // PCC Spring 2023

In this panel Picarro’s CEO, Alexandre Balkanski discusses how Picarro leads the way to net-zero for our partner-operators in his keynote presentation, “You cannot fix what you do not measure.” Take this journey with Alex as he guides the natural gas distribution industry along the path to net zero emissions by leveraging Picarro’s AMLD and analytics solutions.

Panel #4: Operational And Technological Challenges in LATAM // PCC Spring 2023

Gas utilities in Latin America have experienced an important transformation in recent years.

Product Update, Roadmap and More! // PCC Spring 2023

Picarro’s P-Cubed™ award-winning software and analytics platform is the enabling technology behind our solutions for natural gas distributors. In this session, we will highlight P-Cubed’s new capabilities including the latest improvements in Priority Ranking and Emissions Quantification analytics, our new measurement-based emissions reporting capabilities, and our

Breakout #2: Netzero // PCC Spring 2023

Operators from all segments of the value chain are facing increased pressure to commit to ambitious ESG goals, including methane emissions reduction targets, thereby acknowledging the importance and urgency of reducing the carbon footprint

Breakout #1: Client Success Stories // 2023 Spring PCC

In this breakout session we will hear from multiple operators sharing short anecdotes of how the Picarro AMLD solution has added value, led them to surprising insights, offered an unexpected or shoulder benefit from their initial use case, or otherwise increased safety, efficiency, or improved outcome.

Panel #3: Emissions Management // PCC Spring 2023

Leak quantification unlocks the potential to implement methane abatement programs in order to reduce emissions and meet emission reduction targets/goals. The leak sizes in the distribution system span over several orders of magnitude, and prioritization is the key strategy to have an effective methane abatement program. 

In this discussion, we will go over each of the utility’s implementation plans and how they are using the Picarro mobile detection and quantification system to reduce emissions.

Panel #5: Adopting and Scaling AMLD // PCC Spring 2023

Large-scale operational change is sometimes challenging for a large organization to manage. Choosing to utilize a breakthrough technology, like Picarro AMLD, stresses data management, decision-making processes, operations, and corporate culture.

Jemena Gas Testimonial // Peter Harcus

Peter Harcus, General Manager of Gas & Water Networks for Jemena shares his experience with Picarro at our 2023 Spring Picarro Gas Community Conference.

Cadent Gas Testimonial // Dave Moon

Dave Moon, Director of Asset Investment at Cadent Gas discusses Picarro at our 2023 Spring Picarro Gas Community Conference.

Panel #1: Experts Talks, Emissions Measurement and Reduction // PGC Spring 2023

Measuring and quantifying methane emissions from the natural gas value chain has gained significant attention across all stakeholders, such as regulators, policymakers, scientists, consumers, and the shareholders of gas utilities. Many industry leaders have committed to ESG goals including methane emissions reduction targets, acknowledging the importance and urgency of reducing the carbon footprint from the energy sector.

Panel #2: Nextgen, A Holistic Approach to Network Assessment // PGC Spring 2023

Digitalization empowers businesses to standardize access to data and analytics, and ultimately enables informed decision making across the organization. Making the right strategic decisions can be very challenging when managing a complex and critical infrastructure such as a gas distribution network.