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Demonstration of High-Throughput Water Isotopologue Measurements Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Poster Water Isotope Analyzers
Compound Specific Isotope Analysis of Carbon using Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometry Poster Carbon Isotope Analyzers
An Acetylene Tracer-Based Approach to Quantifying Methane Emissions from Distributed Sources Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Poster Gas Concentration Analyzers
A Mid-IR, Wavelength-Scanned, Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer for Continuous Trace N2O and Nitrogen Isotope Measurements Poster Gas Concentration Analyzers
Vertical Profiles of Greenhouse Gas Concentrations via Airborne Measurements. Poster Gas Concentration Analyzers
Field tests of a new WS-CRDS based, closed-path analyzer for simultaneous eddy covariance flux measurements of CO2 and methane. Poster Gas Concentration Analyzers
Capturing small-scale variations of water isotopes in ambient air and natural waters of California: Results of field measurements using Wavelength Scanned Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy. Poster Water Isotope Analyzers
Isotope Measurements Transformed Real-time, In-situ Point-of-origin Tracing with δ18O and δD in Water and δ13C in Complex Molecules. Presentation Water Isotope Analyzers
Enabling Continuous, Field-Based Isotope and Greenhouse Gas Measurements with WS-CRDS-based Analyzers Poster Gas Concentration Analyzers
Bulk Stable Isotope Analysis of Carbon from Solids and Liquids using a Total Organic Carbon Analyzer Coupled to a Wavelength-Scanned Cavity Ring-Down Spectrophotometer Poster Water Isotope Analyzers
Wavelength-Scanned Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy: Opening New Doors for Tracing Water Isotopes in the Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and Atmosphere. Poster Water Isotope Analyzers
Simultaneous Carbon Dioxide and Methane Eddy-Covariance Flux Measurements Using a High-Speed WS-CRDS Analyzer: Field Comparisons to Conventional AmeriFlux Systems Poster Gas Concentration Analyzers
Continuous Greenhouse Gas and Isotopic Carbon Dioxide Measurements via WS-CRDS Analyzers: Investigations in Real-Time Monitoring at CO2 Geological Storage Sites Poster Gas Concentration Analyzers
Continuous Isotopic CO2 Measurements by Wavelength-Scanned Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy: Studies of Exchange Processes in Terrestrial Ecosystems  Poster Carbon Isotope Analyzers
Measuring Stable Isotopes of Water in Both Gas and Liquid Phase Using a Single Field-Deployable Analyzer Poster Water Isotope Analyzers
High-Precision Measurements of CO2, CH4 and H2O for Atmospheric Inversion and Eddy Covariance Flux Based on Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy Poster Gas Concentration Analyzers
A Field-Deployable, High Accuracy Atmospheric Multi-Gas Monitor Based on Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Poster Gas Concentration Analyzers
An ultra-sensitive, six-species trace gas analyzer for continuously monitoring concentrated animal feeding operations Poster
Investigating high-frequency variations in stable isotope composition of atmospheric water vapour Poster Water Isotope Analyzers
The use of environmental isotopes for event monitoring at an overthrusted karst aquifer in the Dinarides, north-western Croatia Presentation Water Isotope Analyzers
Assessment of fossil fuel carbon dioxide and other anthropogenic trace gas emissions from airborne measurements over Sacramento, California in spring 2009 Peer Reviewed Literature Gas Concentration Analyzers
Comparison of waters and sediments of Kupa River and Rjecina Riverrising under the same mountain range, but belonging to two distantwatersheds (North-western Croatia) Presentation Water Isotope Analyzers
Current and future contributions of vertical profiles to constrain the continental and regional North American carbon budget Presentation Gas Concentration Analyzers
Capturing the urban plume using aircraft observations Presentation Gas Concentration Analyzers
Stable Isotope Ratios in Carbon and Water Pools and Fluxes in Old-Growth Forest Poster Water Isotope Analyzers, Carbon Isotope Analyzers
Isotopic evidence for the moisture origin and composition of surface runoff in the headwaters of the Heihe River Peer Reviewed Literature Water Isotope Analyzers
Hydrogen isotope correction for laser instrument measurement bias at low water vapor concentration using conventional isotope analyses: application to measurements from Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii Peer Reviewed Literature Water Isotope Analyzers
Trapped in the darkness of the night: thermal and energetic constraints of daylight flight in bats Peer Reviewed Literature Carbon Isotope Analyzers
A Persistent Oxygen Anomaly Reveals the Fate of Spilled Methane in the Deep Gulf of Mexico Peer Reviewed Literature Gas Concentration Analyzers, Carbon Isotope Analyzers
A continuous stream flash evaporator for the calibration of an IR cavity ring-down spectrometer for the isotopic analysis of water Peer Reviewed Literature Water Isotope Analyzers
Doubly labeled water analysis using cavity ring-down spectroscopy Peer Reviewed Literature Water Isotope Analyzers
Oil carbon entered the coastal planktonic food web during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill Peer Reviewed Literature Carbon Isotope Analyzers
Analysis of the hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope ratios of beverage waters without prior water extraction using isotope ratio infrared spectroscopy Peer Reviewed Literature Water Isotope Analyzers
Continuous CO2/CH4 measurement at Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) in Central Siberia Poster Gas Concentration Analyzers
A high accuracy analyzer for airborne measurements of greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) Poster Gas Concentration Analyzers
Regional Greenhouse Gases Observation Strategy of KMA Poster Gas Concentration Analyzers
Evaluation of the Picarro G1301 and deployment at three Irish sites Poster Gas Concentration Analyzers
Long-term Performance of Picarro Instruments Prior to South Atlantic Remote Deployment Poster Gas Concentration Analyzers
Measurement of fossil fuel derived carbon dioxide and other anthropogenic trace gases above Sacramento, California in Spring 2009 Peer Reviewed Literature Carbon Isotope Analyzers
Continuous Low-Maintenance CO2/CH4/H2O Measurements at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) in Central Siberia Peer Reviewed Literature Gas Concentration Analyzers
High-accuracy continuous airborne measurements of greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) using the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique Peer Reviewed Literature Gas Concentration Analyzers
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy versus high-temperature conversion isotope ratio mass spectrometry; a case study on δ2H and δ18O of pure water samples and alcohol/water mixtures Peer Reviewed Literature Water Isotope Analyzers
High-precision optical measurements of 13C/12C isotope ratios in organic compounds at natural abundance Peer Reviewed Literature Carbon Isotope Analyzers
Demonstration of high-precision continuous measurements of water vapor isotopologues in laboratory and remote field deployments using wavelength-scanned cavity ring-down spectroscopy (WS-CRDS) technology Peer Reviewed Literature Water Isotope Analyzers
Evaluation of the Envirosense 3000i Analyzers for Continuous CO2/CH4 Measurements by CRDS Peer Reviewed Literature Gas Concentration Analyzers
Field inter-comparison of eleven atmospheric ammonia measurement techniques Peer Reviewed Literature Gas Concentration Analyzers
A cavity ring-down analyzer for measuring atmospheric levels of methane, carbon dioxide, and water vapor Peer Reviewed Literature Gas Concentration Analyzers
Applications of cavity ring-down spectroscopy to high precision isotope ratio measurement of 13C/12C in carbon dioxide Peer Reviewed Literature Carbon Isotope Analyzers
Ultra-sensitive ethylene post-harvest monitor based on cavity ring-down spectroscopy Peer Reviewed Literature Gas Concentration Analyzers
An historical overview of cavity enhanced methods (Einstein centennial review article) Peer Reviewed Literature CRDS Instrumentation