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Properties of air mass mixing and humidity in the subtropics from measurements of the D/H isotope ratio of water vapor at the Mauna Loa Observatory

Peer Reviewed Literature
Late Glacial temperature and precipitation changes in the lowland Neotropics by tandem measurement of δ18O in biogenic carbonate and gypsum hydration water
Peer Reviewed Literature

Exploring Geographic Origins at Cahuachi using Stable Isotopic Analysis of Archaeological Human Tissues and Modern Environmental Waters

Peer Reviewed Literature

Positive feedbacks amplify rates of woody encroachment in mesic tallgrass prairie

Peer Reviewed Literature

Water isotopic ratios from a continuously melted ice core sample

Peer Reviewed Literature

Large amplitude spatial and temporal gradients in atmospheric boundary layer CO2 mole fractions detected with a tower-based network in the U.S. upper Midwest                

Peer Reviewed Literature

Hydrocarbon emissions characterization in the Colorado Front Range: A pilot study

Peer Reviewed Literature

A 1-year long δ18O record of water vapor in Niamey (Niger) reveals insightful atmospheric processes at different timescales                

Peer Reviewed Literature

Analysis and fit of surface CO2 concentrations at a rural site

Peer Reviewed Literature

Gravel pit lake ecosystems reduce nitrate and phosphate concentrations in the outflowing groundwater

Peer Reviewed Literature

Submicron particles influenced by mixedbiogenic and anthropogenic emissions:high-resolution aerosol massspectrometry results from theCarbonaceous Aerosols and RadiativeEffects Study (CARES)

Peer Reviewed Literature

Contribution of Urine and Dung Patches from Grazing Sheep to Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in an Inner Mongolian Desert Grassland

Peer Reviewed Literature

Timing and Magnitude of C Partitioning Through a Young Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) Stand Using 13C Labeling and Shade Treatments

Peer Reviewed Literature

Dual-Chamber Measurements of δ13C of Soil-Respired CO2 partitioned using a field-based three end-member model

Peer Reviewed Literature

Continuous analysis of δ18O and δD values of water by diffusion sampling cavity ring-down spectrometry: a novel sampling device for unattended field monitoring of precipitation, ground and surface waters

Peer Reviewed Literature

New Experimental Approaches to Measuring Plant-Extracted Waters


Real-Time Field-Based Water Vapor Isotope Measurements with a CRDS Analyzer: Probing Cropland Evapotranspiration

Model-Based Interpolation, Prediction, and Approximation
Peer Reviewed Literature

Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container (CARIBIC) Observations of CO2 Uptake During the Indian Summer Monsoon

Peer Reviewed Literature

The Drivers of the CH4 Seasonal Cycle in the Arctic and What Long-Term Observations of CH4 Imply About Trends in Arctic CH4 Fluxes

Peer Reviewed Literature

Quantification of Anthropogenic Emissions from an Urban Region: First Results of Time-Integrated Flask Samples from the Indianapolis Flux (INFLUX)

Peer Reviewed Literature

Long-Term Methane Observations at the Global Atmosphere Watch Site Jungfraujoch with Gas Chromatography and Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy

Peer Reviewed Literature

Greenhouse Gas and Ozone Measurements from Aircraft in Alaska 2009 - 2011

Peer Reviewed Literature

Correcting for Methane Interferences on δ2H and δ18O Measurements in Pore Water Using H2O(liquid)–H2O(vapor) Equilibration Laser Spectroscopy

Peer Reviewed Literature

Modeling soil metabolic processes using isotopologue pairs of position-specific13C-labeled glucose and pyruvate

Peer Reviewed Literature

δ18O anchoring to VPDB: calcite digestion with 18O-adjusted ortho-phosphoric acid

Peer Reviewed Literature

Effect of temperature on metabolic activity of intact microbial communities: Evidence for altered metabolic pathway activity but not for increased maintenance respiration and reduced carbon use efficiency

Peer Reviewed Literature

Probing carbon flux patterns through soil microbial metabolic networks using parallel position-specific tracer labeling

Peer Reviewed Literature

High Precision 13C/12C Measurement of Dissolved Carbon Using a Transportable Cavity Ring-Down Spectrophotometer System


Investigations of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Samples for Isotopic Composition and Interfering Compounds Using CRDS


Measuring CO, CH4, CO2 & H2O Simultaneously Using New CRDS Technology to Characterize Urban Plumes & the Well-Mixed Atmosphere


An Acetylene Tracer-Based Approach to Quantifying Methane Emissions from Distributed Sources Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy


Hi-Resolution Observations of Stable Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes of Water and Water Vapor in California


Real-Time Field-Based Water Vapor Isotope Measurements with a CRDS Analyzer: Probing Cropland Evapotranspiration


Toward continuous monitoring of seawater 13CO2/12CO2 isotope ratio and pCO2: Performance of cavity ringdown spectroscopy and gas matrix effects

Peer Reviewed Literature

Greenhouse Gas and Ozone Measurements from Aircraft in Alaska 2009 - 2011 


Peer Reviewed Literature
Rapid detection and characterization of surface CO2 leakage through the real-time measurement of δ13 C signatures in CO2 flux from the ground
Peer Reviewed Literature
Real-Time Tracking of CO2 Injected into a Subsurface Coal Fire through High-Frequency Measurements of the 13CO2 Signature
Peer Reviewed Literature

Atmospheric monitoring of the COCRC Otway Project and lessons for large scale CO2 storage projects

Peer Reviewed Literature

LIAISON™: Fully-Automated Universal Interface for Bulk 13C High-Precision Isotope Analysis using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy


Continuous Flow—Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy: A Powerful Tool for Food Origin Analysis and Adulteration Detection


Capturing small-scale variations of water isotopes in ambient air and natural waters of California: Results of field measurements using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy


A Mid-IR, Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer for Continuous Trace N2O and Nitrogen Isotope Measurements


Demonstration of High-Throughput Water Isotopologue Measurements Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy


Compound Specific Isotope Analysis of Carbon using Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometry


An Acetylene Tracer-Based Approach to Quantifying Methane Emissions from Distributed Sources Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy


A Mid-IR, Wavelength-Scanned, Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer for Continuous Trace N2O and Nitrogen Isotope Measurements


Vertical Profiles of Greenhouse Gas Concentrations via Airborne Measurements.


Field tests of a new WS-CRDS based, closed-path analyzer for simultaneous eddy covariance flux measurements of CO2 and methane.


Capturing small-scale variations of water isotopes in ambient air and natural waters of California: Results of field measurements using Wavelength Scanned Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy.
