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The Combustion Module (A0201), designed for Picarro by Costech Analytical (NC Technologies), combusts solid and liquid samples with carbon contents as low as 250 µg. When paired with a Picarro isotopic analyzer (e.g. G2131-i), the Picarro Combustion Module CM-CRDS (A0201) system analyzes the carbon isotopic (δ13C) composition of samples in applications such as food authenticity and safety, plant biology, soil analysis, green chemistry compliance and vector control in public health.

  • The CM-CRDS system can automatically process up to 148 samples at a rate of one sample every 10 minutes.
  • The precision of the system is better than 0.3‰.
  • Control and data recording are managed by software on the Picarro analyzer.

The CM-CRDS provides measurement accuracy and precision comparable to elemental analyzer isotope ratio mass spectroscopy (EA-IRMS), and it offers several advantages over EA-IRMS, including:

  • Significantly lower capital cost for the system
  • Much simpler operation that does not require extensive training
  • Less frequent calibration and lower cost of maintenance
  • Lower cost of consumables required for operations
  • Greater automation and higher throughput

CM-CRDS is an easy, cost-effective method to validate and ensure authenticity and purity. Organic food and beverages and renewable products are part of a multibillion-dollar global industry where economic value is based on purity and sustainability. Authenticity of ingredients or raw materials is essential to product quality and, by extension, to building and maintaining brand value and preference. Conversely, the dilution, adulteration, or counterfeiting of such products can erode consumer confidence, damage a brand name, and harm a product’s or company’s financial performance.

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