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Sunnyvale, CA -- Picarro, Inc., a leading manufacturer of ultra-trace gas analyzers, has announced formation of a Technical Advisory Board (TAB) to further enhance the breadth of its internal expertise in engineering, physics, and chemistry. The board includes world-renowned experts in technologies most closely aligned with Picarro's products and applications.

Picarro gas analyzers are based on cavity ring down spectrometer (CRDS) technology exclusively licensed from Stanford University, and further developed at Picarro. Its CRDS analyzers deliver parts-per-billion to parts-per-trillion gas sensitivity at high speed and without interference to meet the requirements of the most demanding applications such as detecting and precisely measuring specific molecules of interest to environmental and atmospheric scientists, geophysicists, and others monitoring the effects of global warming and change.

"We are very pleased to have attracted such an outstanding group of scientists at this key step in the company's growth," says Michael Woelk, President and CEO of Picarro, Inc. "Their extensive and distinguished accomplishments in a broad array of scientific disciplines will strengthen our development process and reduce time-to-revenue for the company."

In addition to regular quarterly meetings, the TAB provides advice and scientific expertise to the company on an on-going basis, particularly as it relates to Picarro technologies that are under development or in applying current technologies to new applications. The TAB also advises Picarro on individuals and institutions that would find the company's technology applicable to their scientific endeavors. Dr. Eric Crosson, Chief Technical Officer of Picarro is Chair of the TAB. The other members of the Picarro TAB are:

--Phil Anthony, independent consultant, former President of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-optics Society, and former President of the Amplification Products Group of JDS Uniphase, responsible for its optical amplifier, passive optical component, and integrated module businesses.

--Professor Ronald K Hanson, Clarence J. and Patricia R. Woodard Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Thermosciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University. Professor Hanson is an international leader in the development of laser-based diagnostic methods for combustion and propulsion, and in the development of modern shock tube methods for accurate determination of chemical reaction rate parameters needed for modeling combustion and propulsion systems.

--Dr. Robert J. Lang, independent consultant and Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. He formerly worked a research scientist NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and was Chief Scientist and then Vice President of Research and Development at SDL, Inc. (now part of JDS Uniphase, Inc.).

--Marc D. Levenson, Editor-in-Chief of Microlithography World. He is renowned for his work in phase-shifting methods to improve optical lithography and for contributions to laser spectroscopy and quantum measurement.

--Professor Richard N. Zare, Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor in Natural Science and Chair of the Chemistry Department, Stanford University. Professor Zare is renowned for his research in the area of laser chemistry, which has resulted in a greater understanding of chemical reactions at the molecular level. By experimental and theoretical studies, he has made seminal contributions to the knowledge of molecular collision processes and contributed very significantly to solving a variety of problems in chemical analysis. His development of laser induced fluorescence as a method for studying reaction dynamics has been widely adopted in other laboratories.

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