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Sunnyvale, Calif.‚ - January 20, 2010‚ - Picarro, Inc., the maker of the world's highest performing and easiest to use gas analyzers now offers full iPhone-based support and remote capability for all of its devices. Picarro's gas analyzer technology measures a variety of greenhouse gases including CO2 and Methane. Key customers include the World Meteorological Organization, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Chinese Meteorological Administration. The remote administration feature on Picarro gas analyzers has helped the company dramatically reduce its carbon footprint by virtually eliminating the need for on-site customer service. "This has been a win-win for us and our customers. We can reduce our footprint and provide near-instantaneous service to devices located in some of the most inhospitable places on Earth," says company CEO Michael Woelk.

Utilizing the unique remote access feature, Picarro customers can fully control and operate every aspect of their gas analyzers from anywhere in the world. The same remote capability gives customers direct contact with factory experts and allows Picarro to guarantee virtual on-site support within 24 hours. For Picarro customers, the remote capability will increase security, reliability and productivity of their experiments and instruments.

California Institute of Technology Senior Research Scientist Sally Newman regularly uses Picarro's remote capabilities to keep her experiment, measuring CO2 levels in Pasadena, running smoothly. "Local winds can blow water into the sample intake hose during rainstorms. When it's raining, I can easily switch the input air stream to "dry air" or take the analyzer offline," says Newman, who has used remote access on an iPhone to operate her Picarro analyzer from Ohio and other remote locations.

Equally important, customers and Picarro technicians can simultaneously control the instruments in real-time, a capability technicians regularly use to educate customers and make them more self-sufficient. "Remote, virtual support greatly scales my ability to help customers in real-time, world wide. I can log onto their instrument and talk to them simultaneously and conduct training, offer installation help, run diagnostics or answer questions about data as if I were sitting in front of their analyzer," explains Aaron Van Pelt, a Picarro applications engineer. Even when traveling, Van Pelt has used the remote capability to effortlessly service customers' systems -- from locations such as a ski lift and from a bus in Hawaii. Picarro technicians have serviced remote devices locations ranging from an Iowa cornfield to the peak of the Zugspitze, the highest mountain in Germany, among other places.

Picarro also uses remote capabilities to allow scientists who have not yet purchased a gas analyzer to test-drive instruments online and visually experience all the features of the analyzers, as well as the intuitive interface, without leaving their desks. Picarro's remote capabilities can be accessed not only from iPhones but also from standard PCs or desktops. Remote capability for handsets running other mobile operating systems will be introduced in the near future.

Picarro analyzers are manufactured at the company's Sunnyvale, Calif., headquarters and exported to countries worldwide. Backed by Picarro's proven cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS) technology, Picarro's analyzers provide the technological breakthrough that finally delivers on all aspects for measuring the impact of greenhouse gases (GHGs) on climate change, arguably the single biggest issue facing mankind today. Picarro GHG analyzers provide the simplicity, precision and measurement portability that has been lacking in previous technologies - instruments many more times expensive to run or unsuitable for high performance in situ measurements.

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