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Are you aware that more and more honey suppliers and distributors are using stable isotopes to certify their products are free from adulteration? In addition, Customs and Border Protection agencies around the world regularly test for adulteration in imported honey products. Your customers will soon demand this information from you, or they will be forced to choose other suppliers. 

The new tool of choice for such certification and testing is Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS). It is 50% cheaper to buy and run than other systems, it is much easier to install and use, and still offers the precision required for the test.

Read our application note (AN023) to see how our system can achieve similar results for the certified AOAC analysis. Picarro’s instrument has also been accredited by the DAkkS German Accreditation Body (AOAC 998.12 mod. 1999-03 “Examination of honey - Determination of honey adulterations (C4-sugars) by EA-CRDS (PM DE01.143; 2011-12). Our application note data shows excellent precision and the results further validate the use of the Picarro CM-CRDS as a screening tool for the adulteration of food products.