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post by Katie Fehrenbacher on GigaOM notes that “Google showed off a few sample apps for its augmented reality Google Glass at the SXSW festival this week.” Katie is very clear about the app at the top of her wish list, “I really want an app that helps people see the world differently and potentially help with important global issues like climate change.” She adds that, “The concept could be pretty simple. The app would take objects — from cars to buildings to cell phones — that use electricity or oil and overlay them with data or imagery about how much carbon, or greenhouse gases, they are emitting.” This resonated with us, so we were really pleased to read near the end of the post, “Another inherent problem with climate change and carbon emissions is that emissions can’t be seen by the human eye, so they are easy for people to dismiss. Pollutants that produce smog, or smoke, or make water dirty, are far easier to get people to rally behind, because there’s constant visual proof. There’s proof for carbon emissions, of course too, but you need instruments like Picarro’s emissions detecting sensors.”

Image courtesy of Google.