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Our previous Blog in the Isotopic N2O series featured instrument testing results from Rich Farrell at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada.  

In this post we are highlighting work presented by Amy Steiker, a University of Colorado graduate student with expertise in mass spectrometry and stable isotope analysis, at the Front Range Isotope Day (FRIDay Symposium).  Amy’s research is focused on developing a better understanding of the global distribution of N2O and its isotopes on a seasonal level, in order to refine current models of the global N2O cycle.

At the FRIDay Symposium, Amy presented her results using the G5101-i to analyze flasks from a subset of sites in the NOAA Global Monitoring Division (GMD) Cooperative Sampling Network.  Data shows correlation between higher atmospheric N2O concentration and more depleted δ15N, which is consistent with previously determined global temporal trends.  The early stages of this project show the potential to not only better constrain the global N2O budget, but also better detect seasonal and inter-annual trends in N2O sources and sinks, specifically helping to partition shifts in nitrification versus denitrification processes. To view the full results, please open the embedded pdf below.

This year’s event was held on August 16, 2013, at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado.  The event was attended by both new and experienced stable isotope users in the Front Range, including Amy and a few members from Picarro.

Amy’s review of the symposium:  “This year's FRIDay Symposium at CSU certainly exceeded my expectations in terms of gaining exposure to the exciting and diverse research being conducted along the Front Range. Since CU first hosted in 2011, this meeting has continued to expand in terms of individuals and research groups present, and I look forward to watching this meeting grow even more in the years to come. The highlights for me include this year's keynote speaker, Jennifer Pett-Ridge, who gave an excellent talk on advanced stable isotope techniques aimed at better understanding microbial community dynamics. I also appreciated the strong emphasis on presenting graduate work in order to better foster collaborations both on the research and technical levels.” 

Learn more about the G5101-i Analyzer

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FRIday poster 2013_steiker.pdf (1.28 MB) 1.28 MB