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  • Compliance Forecasting 

    Picarro’s forecasting analytics offer a high-resolution, predictive model of future compliance and repair labor requirements. This means a highly accurate understanding of compliance and repair requirements before labor is scheduled and deployed.  

  • Construction Optimization 

    Picarro’s methane data and analytics provide insight into a number of applications in overall asset management – examples include pipe replacement prioritization, emissions reduction, accelerated risk reduction, etc. An additional benefit is in optimizing construction projects by identifying adjacent construction opportunities and opportunities for bundling construction work.

  • Odor Call Reduction

    There are three primary ways in which odor call rates can be reduced using the Picarro system.

  • Picarro Analytics

    Picarro offers a comprehensive suite of analytics tools to provide visibility into your natural gas infrastructure at a degree of accuracy not previously possible. 

  • Compliance

    Picarro’s asset management solution increases the efficiency and quality of compliance as compared to traditional leak survey methods. Natural gas operators around the world use Picarro’s asset management solution for advanced mobile compliance. The Picarro solution significantly increases the number of hazardous leaks that can be found and removed from a gas infrastructure as compared to traditional leak survey and the Picarro process is also faster and less costly than traditional leak survey.