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  • Identify highest emitting (>10 cu. ft./ hr) “super emitter” leaks for targeted replacement to satisfy regulated emissions reduction requirements.


  • In one year, 210 of the highest emitting leaks were identified by Picarro emissions quantification measurements.
  • These 210 leaks represent 49.7 Million cu.ft./yr (32%) of total emissions. 


In 2019, the utility used Picarro to measure one-third of their infrastructure for compliance and two-thirds of their infrastructure for a Super Emitter measurement campaign.

This emissions quantification at scale allowed a methane map to be built for the entire infrastructure (useful for forecasting in later compliance seasons). It was also used for identification and remediation of the highest-emitting leaks which provided both environmental and risk reduction benefits.

Customer Profile

  • US utility
  • 43,000 miles of gas distribution pipeline



Fraction and number of leaks in each emissions bin of the 210 super emitters.