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One of the best parts of my day is seeing customers’ social posts about how and where they’re using Picarro instruments. They’re often out in the middle of nowhere analyzing soil fluxes, or the composition of ice, or sampling a water source. Or, they’re sharing their excitement as they open and set up their new instrument. A Picarro is a like a trusted sidekick and it’s clear many customers are very fond of their instruments. 

It’s no wonder customers love them. Picarro instruments are based on our patented CRDS technology and provide ultra-precise measurements of a wide range of species. They’re easy to operate, robust, provide real-time data, and are portable enough to be used in very remote places and harsh environments.

Selecting a Picarro is the best decision you can make for your project. The second-best decision is purchasing an annual service plan. Picarro instruments are built to last. When maintained properly, they will deliver the precise measurements you need for years to come. To help you keep your new and existing Picarro analyzers and peripherals functioning properly, we’ve enhanced our annual service plans to meet your specific needs. Whether you want Picarro to take care of maintaining your instrument to maximize uptime, want to avoid unexpected repair costs, or you just need a reminder and the supplies to do the maintenance yourself, we’ve got a plan for you. Sign up for one today.
 Picarro Service Plans Table 2021

The Essential Plan (ES Plan) is for those who prefer to maintain their instruments themselves. This plan includes a yearly maintenance kit, remote support for diagnostics and repair, software updates, plus discounts on factory repairs and Field Replaceable Parts that the Picarro technical support group determines are necessary to restore the functionality of the instrument and that can be replaced by the customer on-site.

*Please note that there is an analyzer age limitation of 5 years to qualify for the ES Plan.

Premium Plan Overview

The Premium Service Plan* (PS Plan) eliminates unexpected repair costs. This annual plan includes a yearly maintenance kit, remote support for diagnostics and repair, software updates, plus free factory repairs and Field Replaceable Parts that Picarro technical service determines are necessary to restore the functionality of the instrument and that can be replaced by the Customer on-site.

*Excluding G5000 series. Please note that there is an analyzer age limitation of 5 years to qualify for the PS Plan.

Commercial Plan Overview

The Commercial Service Plan (CS Plan) ensures maximum uptime. This annual plan includes a yearly visit from a Picarro-certified technician to perform maintenance, and a complimentary loaner instrument is provided when needed. It also includes a yearly maintenance kit, remote support for diagnostics and repair, software updates, free factory repairs and Field Replaceable Parts that Picarro technical service determines are necessary to restore the functionality of the instrument, and remote training twice per year.

*Please note that there is an analyzer age limitation of 5 years to qualify for the CS Plan.

Premium Plan for G5000 Series Overview

The Premium Service Plan (PS Plan) for the G5000 eliminates unexpected repair costs. This annual plan includes remote support for diagnostics and repair, software updates, plus free factory repairs and Field Replaceable Parts that Picarro technical service determines are necessary to restore the functionality of the instrument and that can be replaced by the Customer on-site.

*Please note that there is an analyzer age limitation of 5 years to qualify for the G5000 PS Plan.

With the growing need for continuous real-time measurements of greenhouse gases contributing to our warming climate, and of hazardous gases and volatile organic compounds such as ethylene oxide and formaldehyde, uptime is more important than ever. The Picarro Service Plans will make it easier to maintain the analyzers so that they continue to deliver reliable and high-confidence results. 

By Dr. Keren Drori, Senior Product Manager at Picarro Inc.