Karsten brings a wealth of experience in atmospheric research to Picarro and helps represent our company in North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park, close to the research labs of the EPA. He graduated in mechanical engineering from the University of Stuttgart investigating ozone deposition onto forests and its ecosystem impacts, motivated by the large-scale forest decline observed in Central Europe during the 1980s and 90s. He did his Post-Doc with the NOAA Aeronomy Lab and NCAR in Boulder, Colorado, fell in love with the “American way of life”, and ended up building his research career here. His photochemical research more and more focused on multiphase chemical processes surrounding atmospheric aerosols and their impacts on climate, the environment and human health. At Picarro, Karsten focuses on the accurate measurement of formaldehyde, ethylene oxide and other important VOCs. Aside from work and family, he engages in community outreach and development such as founding a community garden, coaching soccer, and serving in a committee advising the Town Council of ways to develop and grow sustainably.