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  • Picarro Introduces an Oxygen Gas Concentration and Isotope Analyzer

    We've just introduced the Picarro G2207-i gas concentration and isotope analyzer for atmospheric applications including oxygen monitoring to identify the biogeochemical process involved in the carbon cycle. The analyzer combines high precision and low drift O2 concentration measurement with δ18O analysis in ambient air.

  • Introducing the Picarro PI2114 Hydrogen Peroxide Analyzer

    We've just introduced the new Picarro PI2114 hydrogen peroxide gas concentration analyzer for GMP pharmaceutical manufacturing. You can learn more about it and download a data sheet at Here's a short description about the applications it addresses and the benefits and advantages of using it.

  • Guarantee the Purity of Organic Coconut Water with a Picarro CM-CRDS System

    The production, sale, and distribution of coconut water is a multibillion-dollar global industry. Given the increase in preference and consumption of pure ‘organic' coconut water, producers are challenged to ensure product purity and maintain customer confidence. This demands an absolute method for producers to distinguish between ‘pure' coconut water, without added sugar, and ‘adulterated' water, with added sugar. The Picarro Combustion Module Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CM-CRDS) System is a low-cost, easy-to-use, accurate, and precise solution to identify the addition of C4 sugars (adulteration), based on the carbon isotopic (δ13C) composition of coconut water.

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    The Picarro GasScouter™ Mobile Analyzer goes to the ends of the Earth

    We introduced the Picarro GasScouter™ mobile gas concentration analyzer to make it easier for scientists to perform high-precision measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in the world’s most challenging, remote environments. And scientists at the University of Copenhagen are seizing the opportunity to use the new-generation, light-weight, portable, battery-powered cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) gas concentration analyzer at both ends of the Earth.

  • Picarro technology helps PG&E survey 5200 gas lines in Yolo County

    Picarro's partnership with PG&E continues to make headlines. Using Picarro technology, PG&E is able to perform a precision survey and maintenance operation on 5200 gas lines in Yolo county that would normally take four months in only two weeks.

    Article: Gas leak survey set this week in Davis (The Davis Enterprise, 1/4/16)