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  • VHP of just 30 ppb can oxidize and ruin pharmaceuticals

    As biologics have supplanted small molecules as the dominant focus for many leading pharmaceutical companies, robust manufacturing processes for isolators and RABS continues to be an evolving process. In this environment, as the need for significantly better VHP monitoring has grown quickly, Picarro H2O2 analyzers have increased in popularity.

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    Monitoring isotopic composition (δ18O, δD) of water vapor, precipitation and snow surface in the Antarctic region.

    Anna Kozachek of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Saint Petersburg has taken time to write a description of her team’s use of the Picarro L2130-i and L2120-i during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) project. The main goal of the expedition was to circumnavigate Antarctica, performing oceanographic and meteorological observations along the route as well as terrestrial observations on the sub-Antarctic and Antarctic islands. Learn more about their setup and overall findings.

  • Investigating Experimental Priming Effects in Anaerobic Decomposition of Peats from Discontinuous Permafrost in Canada

    Accelerated rates of warming and wildfires in northern regions of Canada will result in an extensive thaw of permafrost peatlands and peat plateaus. This could result in the potential release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. The Department of Renewable Resources at the University of Alberta, Canada have taken time to explain how they are using the Picarro G2201-I analyzer and Small Sample Introduction Module (SSIM) to further investigate if substrate addition “primes” peat decomposition.

  • Measuring Small Volume Gas Concentrations with the Small Sample Introduction Module

    The Picarro Small Sample Introduction Module (SSIM) is designed for processing small volumes of gas samples through a Picarro analyzer. Through a minor modification, we can now expand the functionality of the SSIM so that more accurate concentration measurements can be performed on both isotopic and concentration analyzers.

  • Please Attend Our Presentations at EGU 2018

    If you are attending the 2018 EGU General Assembly from April 9 to 13 in Vienna, Austria, we hope you’ll attend Picarro-authored oral and poster presentations. Following is a list of the presentations with day, date and times, location, title, and authors:

    Oral Presentation


    Fri, 13 Apr, 16:30, Room 0.88
    Quantification of atmospheric for formaldehyde by near-infrared cavity ring-down spectroscopy
    Chris Rella et al.