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  • Rob Jackson's TEDx Talk on Fracking

    Rob Jackson, a professor at Duke University, gave an excellent TED talk on the environmental and economic impacts of fracking.

  • Picarro CTO Eric Crosson and Philippe Ciais of LSCE to Convene a Session at EGU13 on Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Call for Abstract

    We would like to tell you about a session at the EGU 2013 General Assembly, April 7-12, 2013 in Vienna, which Picarro CTO Eric Crosson and Philippe Ciais of LSCE will convene.

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    National University of Costa Rica

    COSTA RICA — Ricardo Sánchez-Murillo of the National University of Costa Rica is a Hydrologist who foresees water challenges affecting even the wettest regions of the globe, such as Central America. Applying his experience gained from the University of Idaho-Moscow, he’s intent on finding solutions by studying Costa Rica’s little understood water systems.
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    National Institute for Environmental Studies - Center for Global Environmental Research

    CHAJNANTOR PLATEAU, CHILE — Gregor Hsaio of Picarro talks to Picarro customer, Dr. Joe Galewsky of the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque, on his long term water vapor isotope monitoring project in Chile. The location offers a unique opportunity to understand how climate change is affecting the atmospheric water vapor cycle. Here’s a transcript of that conversation...

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    European Competition Network

    CABAUW, NETHERLANDS — While carbon dioxide (CO2) currently contributes to two-thirds of anthropogenic radiative forcing, the effects from other greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as methane and nitrous oxide, remain largely uncharacterized and could significantly impact the future of global climate change.  In order to address uncertainties in emissions, the Integrated non-CO2 Greenhouse gas Observing System (InGOS) project is focused on improving and extending the European observation capacity for non-CO2 GHGs.