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  • Crowd-sourced isotope study of Superstorm Sandy

    By Guest Bloggers Stephen Good and Gabe Bowen

    Well, we’re approaching the two-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, and we figured it would be a good time to reminisce about that intensive sample storm that swirled through our Utah lab after the floodwaters of Sandy subsided in New Jersey…

  • Goldschmidt 2014 and ASITA keep us busy for the month of June!

    In early June we made the short trip from Picarro’s Headquarters in Silicon Valley to Sacramento and Davis for Goldschmidt 2014 and ASITA.  Although pretty different conferences, we had a great time at both and had some excellent conversations with globally-recognized isotope geochemists, newcomers to the field, avid Picarro users and those just getting into the game.  

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    Highlights from EGU 2014

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    We had a great time at EGU 2014 in Vienna, Austria! We enjoyed meeting everyone and learning more about the great research taking place across water, air and soil applications. We were excited to see the interest in our demos and look forward to sharing our analyzers in action at future events. Our Tech Talk turnout was amazing and we hope you enjoyed the poster sessions featuring Picarro instruments.

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    Valerie Morris, Bruce Vaughn and the INSTAAR Stable Isotope Lab Team

    It's time for a celebration at the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) Stable Isotope Lab (SIL). Valerie Morris, Bruce Vaughn and the SIL team have reached the top of the WAIS Divide Ice Core! Using a custom-built continuous flow melt system coupled to a Picarro L2130-i, the SIL team has completed stable isotope analysis of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide 06 A core. This is the first top-to-bottom continuous ultra-high resolution isotopic record from a polar ice core.

  • USGS/CUAHSI Virtual Workshop on Laser Spectroscopy

    The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI), in partnership with USGS, recently hosted a Virtual Workshop on Laser Specs for Field Hydrology and Biogeochemistry: Lessons Learned and Future Prospects. I was invited to present on Picarro and Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy as applied to hydrology and biogeosciences, and you can watch the webinar here...