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Measures Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)


The Picarro SI2108 gas concentration analyzer delivers precise, real-time monitoring of hydrogen chloride (HCl) at a parts-per-trillion (ppt) sensitivity for atmospheric science, indoor and outdoor air quality, and hazard assessment applications. It incorporates coated components in the critical gas pathway. This reduces the propensity of HCl molecules to adhere to pathway surfaces, which improves measurement response time.  It requires virtually no consumables, thereby offering significant ease-of-use and lower cost of ownership benefits. The analyzer is rugged and easily transportable.

  • Superb sensitivity, precision, and accuracy with virtually no drift
  • Fast, continuous, real-time measurements without interference
  • Large dynamic range with high linearity
  • Installed and operational in minutes
  • Rugged and insensitive to changes in ambient temperature

Water correction software automatically reports dry gas mole fractions to help reduce research complexity and consumable costs.

The Picarro SI2108 analyzer can operate and deliver accurate measurements for months without user interaction, and concentration trending data is continuously archived to the analyzer’s internal hard drive. The analyzer can be configured to automatically export measurement data via Ethernet, RS-232 interface, Analog 4-20mA or Modbus outputs.

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