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The Picarro Induction Module (A0213) enables scientists to perform isotope analysis of matrix-bound water with high total-dissolved solids. It fully integrates with the L2130-and L2140-water isotope analyzers, including onboard software control. The combination is ideal for a range of disciplines including ecohydrology, ecophysiology, and soil science. 

  • Prepare water extracted from samples with high total dissolved solids
  • Fully integrates with the L2130-and L2140-water isotope analyzers 
  • Onboard software controls the induction module and analyzers

δ18O precision between identical water samples is <0.35‰, and drift is <0.2‰. δD precision between identical water samples is <1.5‰ per sample, and drift is <0.8‰. Samples can be extracted from solids or liquids with high total-dissolved solids, such as plant leaves and stems, juices, and tissues, in as little as five minutes.

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