
Picarro’s solutions are focused on helping our customers operate cost-effective, safe and clean gas networks.

Santa Clara, CA — June 2nd, 2020 — Picarro Inc., the leading provider of hardware-enabled data analytics for natural gas asset management, will be sponsoring and attending the 2020 AGA Virtual Operations Conference. This year’s event is set to take place online from June 9-11, 2020.

Picarro will be showcasing recent advances in its gas asset management toolkit. These include:

Pipe Replacement Optimization using methane emissions quantification. This drives operational value though a reduction of system risk and O&M by effective prioritization of pipe replacement projects. 1.5x more leaks remediated through pipe replacement using Picarro’s methane data & analytics. This could mean up to $35k additional O&M cost avoided per mile of pipe replaced than with existing risk models. A utility with 10,000 miles of mains, replacing 1% annually, could see up to $3.5M recurring annual O&M cost avoidance.

Emissions Reduction through the rapid identification of the highest-emitting leaks in an infrastructure for prioritized repair. 2% of leaks in an infrastructure account for 50% of the emissions, so huge benefits in emissions reduction can be realized by repairing very few of the largest leaks. More than 2/3 of large leaks, also known as super emitter leaks, are hazardous. Repairing them provides an instant system risk reduction. Picarro’s solution allows you to quickly and effectively identify their location.

Advanced Leak Survey by taking data at a speed and scale not previously possible. Increase safety by 3x by eliminating more hazardous leaks in half the time and simultaneously reduce odor calls by 15%. Traditional survey has been shown to have a 66% false negative rate for finding hazardous leaks. Picarro analytics find 3x more hazardous leaks at the same leak survey and repair budget.

Picarro’s advances in mobile leak detection technology and data analytics allow natural gas operators to enhance decision making around reducing risk, managing leak survey and repair budgets, reducing methane emissions and complying with regulatory obligations. Our technology is currently deployed at multiple major natural gas operators in North America, Europe and worldwide.

Picarro invites you to visit our virtual booth to discuss how our technology and solutions can transform your approach to gas asset management.

About Picarro:
Picarro’s Energy vertical is the leading provider of hardware-enabled analytics solutions for asset management to major natural gas operators globally. Picarro’s solutions are focused on helping our customers operate cost-effective, safe and clean gas networks. In collaboration with several major gas operators, Picarro invented and patented the technology and methodology of advanced leak detection, and Picarro’s extensive suite of patented data analytical tools provide utilities with improved capabilities for cost-effective risk management and emissions reduction. The Scientific Instrumentation vertical includes solutions to measure greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations, trace gases, and stable isotopes across scientific and industrial applications. The Semiconductor vertical provides industry leading solutions for real-time Airborne Molecular Contamination (AMC) monitoring. Patented Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) is at the heart of all Picarro instruments, enabling the detection of target molecules at parts per billion or better resolution. In collaboration with several major natural gas operators, Picarro invented and patented the technology and methodology of advanced leak detection, and their extensive suite of patented data analytical tools provide utilities with improved capabilities for cost-effective risk management and emissions reduction with an unwavering focus to make the natural gas industry safer and cleaner.

For more information on Picarro’s portfolio of solutions, visit www.picarro.com.

Siiri Hage
Director, Marketing Communications
Picarro, Inc.


This press release does not constitute an endorsement by the American Gas Association of any product of claim.

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