
During a visit with the EPA in Washington DC just over a month ago, Michael Woelk, Picarro CEO, had an opportunity to set down with a diverse group of media: Platts Energy Week, ClimateWire and The New York Times. Mike was impressed with the research the reporters had done in preparing for the discussions, and with both the breadth and depth of questions he was asked.

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve watched and read the results. First was the telecast of Mike’s interview with Bill Loveless of Platts Energy Week, then last week a three-part series by Stephanie Paige Ogburn for ClimateWire, and yesterday, The New York Times article by Matthew L. Wald. We’re very impressed with the 360 degree view media has taken with natural gas reporting. As Mike noted, “Media is moving beyond a simple pro or con view of natural gas energy. These reports objectively investigate and analyze the opportunities and challenges of U.S. energy independence, and the methods of ensuring safe, environmentally responsible natural gas production, distribution and delivery.”


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