Peer Reviewed Literature

Eric D. Lebel, Department of Earth System Science, Stanford University, Stanford, California Colin J. Finnegan, Department of Earth System Science, Stanford University, Stanford, California Zutao Ouyang, Department of Earth System Science, Stanford University, Stanford, California Robert B. Jackson, Department of Earth System Science, Stanford University, Stanford, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford, California

一月 27th, 2022

Natural gas stoves in >40 million U.S. residences release methane (CH4)--a potent greenhouse gas--through post-meter leaks and incomplete combustion. We quantified methane released in 53 homes during all phases of stove use: steady-state-off (appliance not in use), steady-state-on (during combustion), and transitory periods of ignition and extinguishment. We estimated that natural gas stoves emit 0.8−1.3% of the gas they use as unburned methane and that total U.S. stove emissions are 28.1 [95% confidence interval: 18.5, 41.2] Gg CH4 year−1. More than three-quarters of methane emissions we measured originated during steady-state-off. Using a 20-year timeframe for methane, annual methane emissions from all gas stoves in U.S. homes have a climate impact comparable to the annual carbon dioxide emissions of 500 000 cars. In addition to methane emissions, co-emitted healthdamaging air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) are released into home air and can trigger respiratory diseases. In 32 homes, we measured NOx (NO and NO2) emissions and found them to be linearly related to the amount of natural gas burned (r2 = 0.76; p ≪ 0.01). Emissions averaged 21.7 [20.5, 22.9] ng NOx J−1, comprised of 7.8 [7.1, 8.4] ng NO2 J−1 and 14.0 [12.8, 15.1] ng NO J−1. Our data suggest that families who don’t use their range hoods or who have poor ventilation can surpass the 1-h national standard of NO2 (100 ppb) within a few minutes of stove usage, particularly in smaller kitchens.

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