

  • Use methane data collected along pipe replacement projects to augment DIMP models with real-time data to further refine the selection of pipes for replacement.


  • Of 2,200 pipeline replacement projects (400 miles of main), 40% of them had no measured emissions (i.e. no leaks). 
  • By re-prioritizing projects using methane data and only replacing high-priority projects, more than 2x leaks could be removed by pipe replacement, saving O&M for each avoided leak repair.


Methane data collected by the Picarro system was then carefully analyzed by Picarro’s analytics customized for the utility. Picarro’s analytics team determine that the traditional risk model performance could be greatly improved by adding Picarro’s methane data for additional granularity to enhance construction project prioritization. 


Customer Profile

  • US utility 
  • 76,000 miles of gas distribution pipeline

Augment DIMP

Pipe replacement projects prioritized using DIMP + methane data. Green indicates no leakage and low priority.