
Christop Gerbig, Group Leader and Research Scientist

JENA, GERMANY — I lead the airborne measurement group at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry. My main interest is to make atmospheric measurements of trace gases relevant for our earth's climate, and to utilize these data in combination with transport models to learn about sources/sinks of those gases, most prominently of CO2. On the experimental side this involves high accuracy measurement of trace gases from airborne platforms, but also development and optimization of such instrumentation. On the theoretical side it involves development of analysis tools such as mesoscale tracer transport models coupled to surface flux models.To cover these activities I have started the research group Airborne Trace gas measurements and mesoscale Modelling (ATM). I also help oversee In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System (IAGOS), a European Union infrastructure project that aims to measure greenhouse gas concentrations with equipment attached to commercial airliners. We will launch this program soon and it will be a 20-year effort that will take continuous measurements of such gases as well as other atmospheric chemicals as jets make routine flights.

Picarro's revolutionary technology has made programs like IAGOS and other long-term continuous measurement far easier to execute. The instrument can measure concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane with a very high degree of accuracy and precision, and make these measurements more routine, more precise, more accurate and with far less manpower required.

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