

Picarro 仪器经久耐用。如果维护得当,Picarro 仪器在未来几年都将为您提供精确的测量数据。为帮助您确保 Picarro 分析仪和外围设备正常运转,我们提供各种各样的年度服务计划,以满足您的特定需求。


基础服务计划适用于倾向自行维护仪器的人员。本计划包括年度维护套件、远程诊断和维修支持、软件更新、外加返厂维修折扣和 Picarro 技术支持小组确定的恢复仪器功能所必需的、且可由客户现场更换的部件。



*请注意,ES 计划的适用条件之一是分析仪的使用年限不得超过7


优质服务计划不含意外维修成本。本计划包括年度维护套件、远程诊断和维修支持、软件更新、外加免费返厂维修和 Picarro 技术支持小组确定的恢复仪器功能所必需的、且可由客户现场更换的部件,以及每年一次的远程培训。


商业服务计划可确保最大正常运行时间。本计划包括Picarro 认证技术人员每年上门进行仪器维护和维修,并在必要时提供免费借用仪器。本计划还包括年度维护套件、远程诊断和维修支持、软件更新、免费返厂维修和 Picarro 技术支持小组确定的恢复仪器功能所必需的、现场可更换的部件,以及每年两次的远程培训。


Service Plan Comparison

Training and Installation Options

We also provide a full suite of services that can be purchased in addition to, or separately from, maintenance contracts to make your data collection experience more valuable.

Technical Jumpstart

Picarro Technical Jumpstart is a 4-hour program performed by a Picarro specialist through video conferencing. It assists customers with new system start-up and initial result verification. Technical Jumpstart is an excellent choice for clients new to our Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) technology. (Must be used within six months of delivery) 

On-Site Installation

On-Site Installation is a 2-day program performed by a Picarro specialist at your location. The program includes: installation of your analyzer; training in methods development and considerations for best operations. On-Site Installation is an excellent choice for customers who require local and customized support. Travel and lodging expenses for the Picarro specialist are included. (Must be used within six months of delivery) 

Health Check

Health Check Service offers a thorough evaluation and tune-up of your system. Utilizing a remote connection, a Picarro engineer reviews, evaluates, and optimizes the performance of your analyzer's optical, mechanical, electrical, and computer systems. Analyzer host software will be updated when possible, appropriate, and necessary.

The service is intended for the following analyzer series: PI2000, PI5000, SI2000, G2000, L2000, G5000, and G4000