
Enhanced product offering to further research into the air we breathe, water we drink and land we harvest. 

Santa Clara, CA – April 13, 2015 – Picarro, Inc., a leading provider of solutions to measure greenhouse gas concentrations, trace gases and stable isotopes across many scientific applications, along with the energy and utilities markets, announced the launch of four new products for its scientific business at the European Geophysical Union General Assembly.  The new products, which cover applications as diverse as agriculture and the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from soil, to ambient atmospheric monitoring of GHGs and carbon monoxide (CO), to estuarine water quality and hydrology, demonstrates Picarro’s continued commitment to cutting-edge scientific research. 

The Picarro G5131-i analyzer expands Picarro’s capability in the mid-infrared with a new product for high precision measurements of stable isotopes of oxygen, in addition to nitrogen, in nitrous oxide (N2O).  This instrument will enable soil scientists to measure nitrogen cycling and utilization in the environment, with potential benefits for limiting N2O emissions, a strong greenhouse gas, from agriculture.  In addition, Picarro launches a new software tool, the Soil Flux Processor, for quick and easy data analytics that turns measured concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), N2O, ammonia (NH3) and water vapor into flux estimates of GHGs from soils.  For maximum versatility, the Soil Flux Processor can be used with a variety of soil chambers and is compatible with the Picarro G2508 five-species analyzer. 

Picarro is also a demonstrated leader in the field of atmospheric monitoring of greenhouse gases with analyzers deployed globally from Mauna Loa in Hawaii, to the top of the Eiffel Tower, to Antarctica.  Recent improvements in spectroscopy and optical cavity design have led to enhancements to the flagship Picarro G2401 analyzer for CO2, CH4, CO and water vapor.  The new Picarro G2401 now guarantees long-term reproducibility of high precision CO measurements making the Picarro G2401 compliant with global GHG measurement networks, including Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS), that provides harmonized high precision data for advanced research into GHG budgets and perturbations.  CO is an indicator of inefficient combustion and is complementary to measurements of important GHGs, like CO2 and CH4.  It also has a large impact on air quality, and affects the ability of the atmosphere to cleanse itself of many other polluting gases. 

The new Picarro Continuous Water Sampler is the first commercially-available device for real-time, continuous analysis of water isotopes.  Scientists will now be able to better identify reservoir mixing through time and space, track contaminants and use water isotopes as a tracer for evaporation and residence in estuaries, deltas and other environments.  

Jan Willem Poelmann, Senior VP of Sales and Marketing at Picarro, Inc. said “With the launch of four new products for our scientific customers, Picarro continues to demonstrate its commitment to the research community.  We look forward to continuing work with our core customers and facilitating science that touches all facets of the environment, including the water we drink, air we breathe and land we harvest.” 

For more information, please contact Kate Dennis, Senior Marketing Manager, Science Products, at 408 962 3965 or kdennis@picarro.com

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