
If you are attending the 2018 EGU General Assembly from April 9 to 13 in Vienna, Austria, we hope you’ll attend Picarro-authored oral and poster presentations. Following is a list of the presentations with day, date and times, location, title, and authors:

Oral Presentation




Fri, 13 Apr, 16:30, Room 0.88
Quantification of atmospheric for formaldehyde by near-infrared cavity ring-down spectroscopy
Chris Rella et al.

Poster Presentations




Mon, 09 Apr, 08:00 – 19:30, Hall A, A.305
Method for flux and isotopic measurements from soil chambers using cavity ring-down spectroscopy
Gregor Lucic et al.


Wed, 11 Apr, 08:00 – 19:30, Hall X5, X5.193
Stable carbon isotope analysis of airborne particulate matter using a carbon aerosol analyzer and a cavity ring-down spectrometer
David Kim-Hak et al.


Fri, 13 Apr, 08:00 – 19:30, Hall A, A.329
Development and evaluation of a spectral analysis method to eliminate organic interference with cavity ring-down measurements of water isotope ratios
Zhiwei Lin et al.