
There are two big conferences that we pull out the stops on - the American Geophysical Union annual meeting in San Francisco and the European Geoscience Union annual meeting in Vienna. This is EGU 2011 and we are on the floor (in Booth 49). Like other companies, we like to launch new products around these shows because its the best time to get guaranteed facetime with potential customers who are usually scattered around the globe. At EGU 2011, we have launched the Induction Module - CRDS for water extraction and isotope analysis from solid samples, a new analyzer that can simultaneously measure carbon isotopes from both methane and CO2, and a flux analyzer that can measure CO2, CH4 and H2O molecules simultaneously at a 10hz speed. We also have a a record number of customers presenting posters and talks resulting from research withour analyzer. We're also presenting ourselves, of course. Here's a full list of all relevant presentations. Come by the booth to learn about these products and other things in the works at Picarro. See you at the show!