
This is the third, and final, post in a three-part series that examines how Picarro analyzers, systems, and accessories ensure precise, accurate measurements of challenging seawater and high-saline water samples. The first post, Water Stable Isotope Measurements of Seawater, presents results from an inter-laboratory study designed to evaluate the quality of cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) derived measurements compared with the consistency and values of isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) measurements. The second post, Stable Isotope Analysis of High-Saline Water, reports on the evaluation of CRDS for the analysis of highly saline water.

Both articles are strong, third-party validations of the Picarro Stable Water Isotope Analysis System. There is a potential for salt accumulation to affect the precision, drift, and memory effect of laser-based spectroscopy analyzer systems. But our Salt Liner accessory (right) optimizes the precision and accuracy of seawater and high-saline water stable isotope measurements. We’ve just published an application note (below) that describes how the Picarro salt liner accessory protects the isotopic analyzer system from excessive salt build-up in the vaporizer to maintain optimum performance and precise, accurate measurements.

Click to access the Salt Liner App Note and complete information on our Stable Water Isotope Analyzers and Systems.