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Natural Gas Knowledge Center

Discover more about the key benefits and applications for natural gas 

Front page of case study
Picarro: Solutions for the Natural Gas Market
We provide natural gas operators around the globe with the most effective and proven path to net zero methane emissions, and actionable data through direct methane measurements.
Picarro Handheld
Picarro Handheld: Redefining Leak Detection
Transform your leak survey practices with the Picarro Handheld. Our innovative solution blends high-performing hardware with cloud analytics to redefine leak detection. Powered by a state-of-the-art open-path laser spectrometer (OPLS) sensor, our handheld delivers fast response times and PPB level sensitivity to methane and ethane. The Picarro Handheld enhances your leak detection capabilities, allowing you to pinpoint leaks with greater accuracy and speed. Weighing a mere 3.4 lbs, the Picarro Handheld is ergonomic and portable, designed for all-day usage without physical strain.
Your path to net zero brochure cover
Your Path to Net Zero, Solutions for Natural Gas
Transform your gas network and your emissions playbook today! Improve ROI with optimized asset investment plans, optimize current leak survey and plan for the future. Create a new source of truth with direct methane measurements for your entire network.DOWNLOAD PDF - EnglishDOWNLOAD PDF - Spanish
What's a Super Emitter? (Spanish)
What's a Super Emitter? (Spanish)
Five percent of leaks account for fifty percent of your emissions. Find them using advanced leak detection and analytics. Learn how you can identify and eliminate super emitters at unprecedented speed and scale with Picarro.
What’s a Super Emitter? (Polish)
5% wycieków odpowiada za 50% Twoich emisji. Znajdź je, korzystając z zaawansowanego wykrywania i analizy nieszczelności. Dowiedz się, jak Picarro może pomóc Ci zidentyfikować i wyeliminować superemitery z niespotykaną dotąd szybkością i skalą.5% wycieków odpowiada za 50% Twoich emisji. Znajdź je, korzystając z zaawansowanego wykrywania i analizy nieszczelności. Dowiedz się, jak Picarro może pomóc Ci zidentyfikować i wyeliminować superemitery z niespotykaną dotąd szybkością i skalą.
What’s a Super Emitter? (German)
5 % der Lecks machen 50 % Ihrer Emissionen aus. Finden Sie sie mithilfe der fortschrittlichen Lecksuche und -analyse. Erfahren Sie, wie Picarro Ihnen dabei helfen kann, Superemitter in beispielloser Geschwindigkeit und Größenordnung zu identifizieren und zu eliminieren.
What’s a Super Emitter? (Portuguese)
5% dos vazamentos representam 50% das suas emissões. Encontre-os usando detecção e análise avançadas de vazamentos. Saiba como a Picarro pode ajudá-lo a identificar e eliminar superemissores em velocidade e escala sem precedentes.
What's a Super Emitter? (Czech)
What's a Super Emitter? (Czech)
5 % úniků tvoří 50 % vašich emisí. Najděte je pomocí pokročilé detekce úniků a analýzy. Zjistěte, jak můžete identifikovat a eliminovat super emitory bezprecedentní rychlostí a rozsahem s Picarro.
Picarro Solution Overview Brochure 2022
Picarro Solution Overview Brochure 2022
This brochure offer a quick glance into Picarro's four primary use cases and how they may impact your operations.