It's commonly said here at Picarro that our customers have more interesting lives than we do -- we're always receiving fantastic photos of someone with one of our instruments in some remote and often idyllic field location. We thought it would be fun to periodically share some of the amazing locations where our customers are doing field work. Here are the five that we've come up with this quarter including links to their research sites and a few selected photos (mouse over photos for captions):
Several of our customers have done work at NEEM -- an ice core drilling site in northern Greenland -- including Thomas Blunier's group from the Center for Ice and Climate at the University of Copenhagen. I've blogged about NEEM before.
David Noone's group, from the University of Colorado has deployed a water isotope analyzer at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii (among other places like the Greenland Summit station).
John Stix's group at McGill University even made a video about their expedition to the Masaya volcano in Nicaragua with their isotopic CO2 analyzer, that they affectionately named "Captain Jean-Luc Picarro."
Joseph Galewsky and Zachary Sharp from the University of New Mexico recently published work in Geophysical Research Letters about their water isotope measurements at Caltech Chajnantor Test Facility at 16,500 feet in the Andes. Their next measurements are planned for Chile’s ALMA Observatory .
Xuewu Liu from the University of South Florida was doing some ocean acidification research on board the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Healy when the ship was redirected to help a fuel tanker reach Nome, Alaska.
If you have a picture from the field, please send it to us!